Juozas Greifenbergeris

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Juozas Greifenbergeris (born April 6, 1898 in Kalvarija , † December 27, 1926 in Kaunas ) was a Lithuanian communist and a functionary of the communist youth movement.


Greifenbergeris, the son of a blacksmith , attended high school in Smolensk . He was a delegate of the First Congress of the Komsomol (1918) and from December 1918 a member of the Komsomol Committee of the Western Oblast, then a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Belarus . From February 1920, Greifenbergeris was also a member of the Executive Committee of the Communist Youth International .

Since the spring of 1920 he was staying illegally in Lithuania. From 1920 to 1922 he was secretary of the Central Committee of Lithuania Komsomol and editor of his newspaper Jaunasis komunistas ( Eng . "Young Communist"). Greifenbergeris was a participant in the II (1921) and IV (1924) congresses of the Communist Party of Lithuania (KPL). In 1921 he was elected to the Central Committee, in 1923 to the Orgbüro of the Central Committee and in 1926 finally to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the KPL.

Greifenbergeris was also a delegate of the III. Congress of the Comintern and the II. Congress of the Communist Youth International.

After the Smetonas military coup on December 17, 1926, Greifenbergis was arrested and shot along with three other leading Lithuanian communists - Karolis Požėla , Kazys Giedrys and Rapolas Čarnas .


A group of sculptures by Bronius Vyšniauskas and Napoleonas Petrulis erected in Kaunas in the 1970s in honor of the four communists has since been removed and is now in Grutas Park .


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