Justin Stagl

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Justin Stagl (born January 9, 1941 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian sociologist with a focus on cultural sociology .


After graduating from the humanistic branch of the Klagenfurt Federal High School, he studied ethnology , psychology and philosophy in Vienna , where he received his doctorate in ethnology in 1965. He then included sociology and linguistics in his further studies in Leiden (Netherlands) and Münster and worked as an assistant at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Graz from 1967 to 1969 . After further assistants in Munich and Salzburg , he completed his habilitation there in 1973 in sociology.

1974–91 he worked as a professor at the Department of Sociology at the University of Bonn , from where he was appointed to a full professorship in Salzburg in 1991. Visiting professorships and fellowships have taken him to the University of Notre Dame (USA), the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales ( Paris , France) and the Netherland Institute for Advanced Study in the Social and Cultural Sciences ( Wassenaar , Netherlands).

For many years he was the spokesman for the cultural sociology section of the German Society for Sociology , from 2002-2004 a member of the editorial board of the European Review of the Academia Europaea (London) and a member of the board of directors of the Görres Society . He has been a full member of the Academia Europaea since 1993.

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  • Klaus Zapotoczky : Stagl, Justin , in: Wilhelm Bernsdorf , Horst Knospe (ed.): Internationales Soziologenlexikon , Vol. 2, Enke, Stuttgart ²1984, p. 817 f.
  • Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (Hrsg.): Understanding and understanding. Ethnology - Xenology - Intercultural Philosophy. Justin Stagl on his 60th birthday . Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2002.

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