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Juutuanjoki during the melting of the snow

Juutuanjoki during the melting of the snow

Water code FI : 71.21
location Lapland ( Finland )
River system Paatsjoki
Drain over Paatsjoki  → Barents Sea
origin Lake Solojärvi
68 ° 51 ′ 32 ″  N , 26 ° 48 ′ 54 ″  E
Source height 144.9  m
muzzle at Inari in the Inarijärvi coordinates: 68 ° 54 '35 "  N , 27 ° 1' 12"  E 68 ° 54 '35 "  N , 27 ° 1' 12"  E
Mouth height 119.3  m
Height difference 25.6 m
Bottom slope approx. 2.1 ‰
length approx. 12 km
Communities Inari

The Juutuanjoki River is located in the Finnish part of Lapland .

It drains the 4.2 km² lake Solojärvi and flows from there in a north-easterly direction, where it flows into the Inarijärvi after about 12 km of river length at Inari .

Above Solojärvi, the approx. 3 km long Matkajoki forms the outflow of Lake Paatari , which collects the waters of Vaskojoki and Lemmenjoki . On its short run in a south-easterly direction, it takes up the Kettujoki after about 1 km from the left . This forms the outflow of the Mutusjärvi over a length of around 14 km , which is fed by the Kaamasjoki .

The Juutuanjoki is a popular medium difficulty river for canoeing .

Web links

Commons : Juutuanjoki  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. JÄRVIWIKI - Solojärvi (
  2. JÄRVIWIKI - Inarijärvi (