Kálmán Ábrahám

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Kálmán Ábrahám (born June 27, 1931 in Budapest ; † February 22, 1998 ibid) was a Hungarian politician of the Party of the Hungarian Working People MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) and finally the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , which among other things between 1977 and 1984 Minister for Construction and Urban Development.


Technical draftsman, ministerial official and state secretary

After attending school, Ábrahám began working for the vehicle manufacturer Manfréd Weiss Stahl- und Metallwerke AG Csepel and then for the company ÁFORT, before he became a technical draftsman for the National Water Authority (Országos Vízügyi Hivatal) in 1949 . In 1951 he became a member of the party of the Hungarian working people MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) . He then moved to the Ministry of Transport and Post as a technician and in 1958 became the office manager of Út- és Vasúttervező Vállalat Közlekedésüzemi Tervező , a state-owned company in the road and rail transport sector. During this time he completed a degree in industrial engineering at the Technical University of Budapest BME (Budapesti Makiszaki Egyetem) , which he graduated with a diploma in 1960.

After that, Ábrahám was first an engineer and then chief engineer in a department of the Ministry of Transport and Post, before completing further studies in mechanical engineering at the BME, which he completed in 1963 with a doctorate in engineering. He then became technical director and chief engineer in 1964 and head of the road traffic department in the Ministry of Transport and Post in 1970, before becoming State Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Post in March 1974. In addition, he became honorary professor of mechanical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology in 1971 and graduated from the MSZMP party university in 1976.

Minister and MP

On June 24, 1977, Ábrahám was appointed Minister for Construction and Urban Development (Építésügyi és Városfejlesztési Miniszter) in the government of Prime Minister György Lázár and held this ministerial office until his replacement by László Somogyi on June 27, 1984.

During this time he was elected on June 8, 1980 as a member of parliament (Országgyűlés) and represented the 1st constituency of Zala County .

After leaving the Council of Ministers, Ábrahám, who in 1981 also accepted a professorship for mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Budapest, became President of the National Office for Environment and Nature Conservation with the rank of State Secretary on June 27, 1984 . In 1983 he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Infante Dom Henrique of Portugal .

In 1985 he also became a member of the National Council of the Patriotic Popular Front HNF (Hazafias Népfront) , in which the mass organizations, social and cultural organizations of the People's Republic of Hungary were organized as an umbrella organization.

Subsequently, in December 1987, he became State Secretary in the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Water Management and thus the closest collaborator of László Maróthy , the Minister for Environment Protection and Water Management in the government of Prime Minister Károly Grósz and in the cabinet of Miklós Németh . On April 25, 1989, he handed over the function of State Secretary to Miklós Vargha and instead acted as Director General of the Institute for Environmental Management (Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet) until 1991 .

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