László Somogyi (politician)

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László Somogyi (born June 3, 1932 in Székesfehérvár , Fejér county ) is a former Hungarian politician of the party of the Hungarian working people MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) and finally of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , which among others between 1984 and 1988 Minister for Construction and Urban Development.


Somogyi, son of a county employee, began to study architecture at the University of Construction and Transportation (Építőipari és Közlekedési Műszaki Egyetem) after attending school , which he graduated in 1954. He then became an employee and then chief engineer of the State Construction Company of Fejér County, whose technical director he became in 1963. Somogyi, the 1952 party of the Hungarian working people MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) and 1956 of the resulting Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , also completed a degree at the University of Marxism-Leninism (Marxizmus-Leninizmus Esti Egyetem) , which ergyetem Finished in 1969. In 1978 he took on the role of General Director of the State Building Construction Company.

As part of a reshuffle Somogyi was to succeed Kálmán Ábrahám June 27, 1984 as Minister of Housing and Urban Development (Építésügyi és Városfejlesztési Miniszter) in the government of Prime Minister György Lázár and has held this in the government of Prime Minister Károly Grósz and the Cabinet of Miklós Németh until he was replaced on December 20, 1988 by András Derzsi , who, in addition to his position as Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, also took on the position of Minister of Construction. As building minister, at the invitation of the Minister of Economics of Bavaria , August Lang , he visited Weiden in the Upper Palatinate in June 1987 to exchange experiences on the renovation of the old town.

After leaving the government, on April 1, 1989, he became chairman of the committee for the preparation of the Expo 95 world exhibition planned for Vienna and Budapest , which, however, was canceled after a referendum in Vienna in 1991. He held this position until March 1, 1990, after which he became chairman of the board of the Hungaroswiss Rt .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Németh Cabinet
  2. Ministerial visit (review from June 13, 2012)