Kathe Knobloch

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Käthe Knobloch (* 1904 in Thuringia ; † 2002 in Lößnitz ) was a local politician in Aue and received honorary citizenship of this city in 1964 for her many years of social commitment.

From her life

After attending school, Käthe Knobloch learned the profession of a welfare worker . In 1924, at the age of 20, she took over the management of a children's rest home in Leipzig .

Born in Thuringia, she worked in the welfare sector in Schwarzenberg / Erzgeb during the Nazi era . For reasons of conviction, she supported imprisoned opponents of the regime and a Jewish family.

After the Second World War, Käthe Knobloch got tasks in the area of ​​construction and health care in the administration of the district. In the city of Aue, she influenced the expansion of the Auer hospital and the construction of the district polyclinic (now a medical center) opened in 1952 on Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse . She took her permanent residence in Loessnitz.

The residents of Aue elected her to the city administration in the early 1950s. Here she was involved as a councilor for culture in the planning and construction of schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers and cultural institutions. The establishment of the first children's library, named after the writer Stephan Hermlin , in Thomas-Mann-Strasse , also goes back to Knobloch's work. However, on central instruction she also had to set activities in motion that she did not like, such as the dismantling of the monument Der Schmied in Auer Stadtgarten around 1956. The depiction was too monumental in the style of National Socialism was the reason.

After leaving the city administration, Käthe Knobloch took care of the expansion of the city archive of the Au town hall, which began in the middle of the 19th century with the writing of "Fragments from the history of Aue and the surrounding area". Under Knobloch's influence, the archives were systematized and continuously updated so that important historical documents are preserved.

In 1964, Käthe Knobloch was made an honorary citizen of the then district town of Aue for her services .


  • Information from Jana Hecker, press officer for the city administration of Aue from May 2009

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Aue, Mosaiksteine ​​der Geschichte , published by Stadtverwaltung Aue, Mike Rockstroh printing and publishing house, Aue 1997, p. 210