Children's recreation

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Under Kindererholungsheim refers specifically tailored to the needs of children combination of spa and children's leisure .

Original idea

During the Second World War , children were evacuated from the cities and placed in the countryside ( Kinderlandverschickung ). After the war, children who suffered from malnutrition , for example , were supported with child recovery measures. With the economic miracle , the purpose has changed so that today children with illnesses , overweight , mental disabilities or children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds can spend a good time together.


Children's recreation is partially subsidized by health insurance companies . For this they have to meet certain criteria:

  • Three weeks duration
  • Initial and final medical examinations on site
  • When designing the program, the health of each individual child must be taken into account
  • the program must include a physical and mental recreational value (e.g. fixed lunch and night rest, structured daily routine)

Together with their specially trained educational supervisors , they should promote their physical and mental health through plenty of exercise in the fresh air and interacting with their peers. Because today many hyperactive or otherwise behavioral children are prescribed such measures by the doctor, the caregivers are exposed to a rapidly increasing burden, which makes good training necessary.

Quality criteria

To make it easier to identify good offers, the Federal Center for Health Education has developed the Good on it seal of approval . The process of children's recreation should be designed according to the principles of exercise , relaxation and high-quality nutrition . The results should have a lasting effect on everyday life. Current youth cultures have to be taken up, health has to be staged. The offers must be supervised by qualified staff, and the participants must also be involved in the design of the program. Team-oriented work, quality assurance, evaluation and networking are also required .


Children's recreation is mainly offered by the German Red Cross , the Caritas Association or the Diakonisches Werk . As a rule, such recreational measures lead to the stimulating climates of the Alps or the North and Baltic Seas .

Special offers

Children's recreations are also offered for those children who are exposed to particular health problems, such as B. Chernobyl children .

Differentiation to children's leisure and recreation on the outskirts

The difference to a simple children's leisure time lies in the special health aspect. Another distinction must be made between recreation on the outskirts of the city , in which the children do not go to a home for several weeks, but only spend time in a day care facility during the day, but are picked up again in the evening.

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