Body experience

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Body experience is the totality of perceptions and ideas about one's own body . Essential aspects of body experience are body- related perception , affective emotion , cognition and awareness.


Body-related perception includes:

The body image in the form of interoceptive and exteroceptive perception of the physical reality of his own body, which is below the level of consciousness automatic mechanisms are triggered or reaction ways.

The body scheme , the perception of the shape of the body in its expansion and its position in space. The body diagram has a basic function in the sense of a plastic model in the localization of the body, the control of the motor skills in space and the orientation on the body.


The body-related affective emotion includes positive body-related feelings such as body satisfaction, a sense of wholeness, physical vitality and feelings such as a feeling of shame and pride . Satisfaction with one's own body and the closely related self-acceptance are largely determined by emotional categories ( pleasure- displeasure-feelings), especially depending on physical health / integrity.


Body-related cognition includes:

The body-ego , which includes the demarcation of inside and outside, the distinction between self and non-self, the bodily integrity , coherence and bodily identity . It also takes on a key regulating role in the evaluation of sensory and other experience-related stimuli in the sense of a fundamental distinction between pleasure and discomfort; it intentionally organizes and modifies the directed movement behavior and the physical relationship with others.

The body image , which contains the idea of ​​one's own body in the form of formal knowledge , fantasies , thoughts , attitudes , evaluations and assignments of meaning based on interpretation and motivation . These aspects depend on social and cultural influences and are primarily to be recorded through interpersonal and biographical factors.


The body awareness includes awareness of one's own corporeality in all its aspects and manifestations. This integration effort leads to a reflected body experience , which in turn has a corrective effect on the other aspects of the body experience.
