Jablanac concentration camp

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The concentration camp (KZ) Jablanac ( Serbo-Croatian : Koncentracioni logor Jablanac / Концентрациони логор Јабланац) was a concentration camp in the fascist " Independent State of Croatia " (NDH) during the Second World War .

It was one of the concentration camps under the leadership of the right-wing extremist Ustaša and was established in 1942 in Jablanac , a village at the foot of Velebit opposite the island of Rab . The prisoners were mainly Serbs from the Jablanica area, as well as Jews and Roma . Individual and mass graves were found in the nearby forest. In March 1944, about 100 Jews, including women and children, were from the territory of Lika captured and the Jasenovac concentration camp deported . About 60 of them were then taken to the Jablanac concentration camp and murdered there. In 1989 a memorial plaque was erected in honor of the victims, but it was destroyed. Today nothing reminds of the crimes committed there or of the existence of the camp in Jablanac.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Raphael Israeli: The Death Camps of Croatia: Visions and Revisions, 1941-1945. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, New Jersey 2013, ISBN 978-1-4128-4975-3 , p. 142.
  2. Vladimir Dedijer : Jasenovac - The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican. Ahriman-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, ISBN 978-3-9227-7406-8 , p. 182.
  3. Danielle S. Sremac: War of Words: Washington Tackles the Yugoslav Conflict. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999, ISBN 0-275-96609-7 , p. 38.
  4. Milan Bulajić: Jasenovac: The Jewish Serbian Holocaust (The Role of the Vatican) in Nazi-Ustasha Croatia (1941-1945). Fund for Genocide Research, 2002, p. 233.

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