Coffee pot

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Without decoration: jug by Hermann Gretsch , Arzberg porcelain factory, 1931
Coffee pot in the shape of a cat (Germany, 1920s)
Stackable coffee pot with tilt-proof lid, Margarete Jahny , Colditz porcelain
Thermos coffee pot, around 2000

A coffee pot is a vessel for preparing and serving coffee .

Before the invention of the coffee machine , coffee was mostly brewed and served in pots . Since the drink was previously thought to be at least harmful to health, these were originally much smaller than teapots . Coffee pots are usually made of porcelain, earthenware, metal or glass. Coffee warmers - textile coffee hoods that are put over the jug - improved insulation .

Since the preparation of coffee and tea are very different in the brewing process, coffee pots should dissipate less heat than teapots, as otherwise the coffee can cool down too much. When making tea, the entire amount of water is poured into the pot at once, while when making coffee, the coffee only slowly comes through the filter, drop by drop, into the pot and also begins to cool down in the filter.

Today coffee pots are also sold as part of the coffee machine . Cheaper models are made of glass and cool down relatively quickly, which is why the coffee machine usually has a hot plate. Alternatively, filter coffee machines with vacuum jugs are also offered.

As a serving vessel, coffee pots used to be the focus of every coffee table. They came in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes, purely factual and functional or figuratively kitsch. The coffee pot became a collector's item. One of the largest coffee pot collections in Europe with over 5000 exhibits can be found in the coffee pot museum in Schöppenstedt . Another collection with around 5000 coffee pots is located in Büchlberg .


Stainless steel espresso pot
Coffee pot from Ethiopia and Sudan
Ibrik or cezve
Mocha pot
Crane jug
Pear-shaped jug with tap and legs, between which a warmer can be placed
Pot with attached coffee filter
Press ram can
Jug with a filter that presses the coffee grounds to the bottom
Jug with a water container screwed on at the bottom, in which the water is pushed up when heated; a well-known representative is the espresso pot


In Helmut Krausser's story The Dogs of Pompeii , the main character, a small Neapolitan dog, bears the name coffee pot .

Anne Kaffeekanne is the title of a children's song book by Fredrik Vahle (also as an audio book ), set to music with Dietlind Grabe .

Web links

Wiktionary: Coffee pot  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Commons : Coffee Pot  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files