Kaiser Wilhelm II (ship, 1899)

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Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Steamer KAISER WILHELM II under the Reich Service flag.  Location and date of recording unknown.jpg
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
other ship names

Lord Milner (1918-1929)

Ship type Passenger ship
Shipyard Josef L. Meyer , Papenburg
Build number 130
Launch 1899
Whereabouts 1929 scrapped
Ship dimensions and crew
52.30 m ( Lüa )
width 8.45 m
Draft Max. 3.65 m
displacement 670  t
measurement 495 GRT
Machine system
machine Steam engine
755 hp (555 kW)
13.3 kn (25 km / h)
propeller 2

The Kaiser Wilhelm II. Was a German steamer that was in the service of the Imperial Gouvernement of German East Africa and was named after the German Kaiser Wilhelm II . He was renamed Lord Milner by the British occupation authorities in 1918 and scrapped in 1929 .


The Kaiser Wilhelm II. Was built by Joseph L. Meyer in Papenburg and apparently put into service on June 22, 1899. It was initially used in the German East Africa colony as a buoy laying ship, passenger steamer and transporter. Presumably, the ship was also used in the Maji Maji uprising as a troop transport for the protection force for German East Africa . Home port was possibly Dar es Salaam . As a service flag, it carried the so-called Reich Colonial Flag of the Foreign Office and, from 1907, the new Reich Colonial Office .

On the occasion of the occupation of Dar es Salaam in the course of the First World War , the steamer was sunk by the German authorities in Dar es Salaam itself on September 4, 1916. He was lifted by the British occupation authorities by 1918 at the latest, repaired and commissioned as Lord Milner ; It was named after the British Minister of War at the time, Alfred Milner . By 1926 at the latest, the Lord Milner was decommissioned and offered for demolition. In 1929 it was broken up in Dar es Salaam.


  • Erich Gröner : The German warships 1815-1945 . Volume 7: Landing units (II), landing vehicles i (m). e (actual). Sense). (Part 2), landing ferries, landing support vehicles, transporters; Ships and boats of the army, ships and boats of the sea pilots / air force, colonial vehicles , Koblenz 1990, p. 220f. ISBN 3-7637-4807-5

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