Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata

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Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Thick-leaf family (Crassulaceae)
Subfamily : Kalanchoideae
Genre : Kalanchoe
Type : Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata
Scientific name
Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata
Mannoni & Boiteau

Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata is a species of the genus Kalanchoe in the thick-leaf family(Crassulaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata is a perennial , completely bare plant that reaches heights of growth of up to 1 meter. Their upright shoots branch out from the base. The somewhat fleshy leaves are either sessile, elongated, somewhat pointed at the tip and narrowed at the base, as well as encompassing the stems. Or the leaves are violin-shaped or stalked and obovate, with tiny serrations on the edges in the upper four fifths.

Generative characteristics

The loose inflorescence is multi-flowered and carries numerous brood buds. The hanging flowers are on slender, 5 to 20 millimeter long flower stalks . The calyx is bell-shaped and the calyx tube about 2 millimeters long. The triangular calyx lobes have a length of 6 to 9 millimeters and are about 6 millimeters wide. The bell-shaped corolla is light to dark red. The corolla tube is about 9 millimeters long. Their egg-shaped, blunt to pointed, spread out corolla lobes have a length of about 6 millimeters. The stamens are attached below the center of the corolla tube and do not protrude from the flower. The trapezoidal, sanded-out nectar flakes have a length of about 1.5 millimeters. The carpel has a length of about 5 millimeters. The stylus is about 6 millimeters long.

Systematics and distribution

Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata is common in Central and Eastern Madagascar in forests at altitudes of 1200 to 1500 meters.

The first description by Octave Mannoni and Pierre L. Boiteau was published in 1947.



  • Bernard Descoings: Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata . In: Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon. Crassulaceae (thick leaf family) . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3998-7 , pp. 177 .

Individual evidence

  1. Notulae Systematicae. Herbier du Muséum de Paris . Volume 13, Paris 1947, pp. 149-150.