Campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries

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The campaign propaganda. The slogan is "suppress the counter-revolutionaries, secure good times".

The so-called campaign to suppress counterrevolutionaries ( Chinese 镇压 反革命 运动 / 鎮壓 反革命 運動 ; pinyin : zhènyā fǎngémìng yundong) was a political campaign by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) aimed at literally "exterminating" elements of the opposition in the People's Republic of China . The bloody campaign began in 1950 and was mainly directed against members of the Kuomintang (KMT). The events of the Chinese leadership are therefore classified as democide .

Under the rule of the " Supreme Leader " Mao Zedong , the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a guideline (中共中央 关于 镇压 反革命 活动 的 指示) in March 1950 to launch the campaign nationwide. However, some sources claim that the campaign didn't begin until the fall of 1950. The movement ended in late 1953. Large numbers of those classified as " counter-revolutionary " were arrested and executed , while others were sentenced to laogai (labor and concentration camps).

According to official statistics from the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government in 1954, at least 2.6 million people were arrested, 1.3 million people detained and 712,000 people killed in the election campaign alone. According to a research unit of the Communist Party from 1996, a total of 1,576,100 people were arrested from 1949 to February 1952 and 873,600 were sentenced to death. However, independent researchers estimate that the actual death toll was between 1 and 2 million. The campaign was a brutal act of consolidating communist one-party rule . It would be done with the help of homicide .

During this time of human rights crimes, some of the judgments were in fact "unjust, forgery, false cases" (冤假错案), according to the later successor government of China. For example, the son of the famous writer Zhu Ziqing (朱自清) was wrongly arrested and sentenced to death (he was posthumously rehabilitated in 1984).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Sabine Dabringhaus: Mao Zedong . CH Beck, 2008, ISBN 978-3-406-56239-6 .
  2. a b Yang Kuisong: Reconsidering the Campaign to Suppress Counter Revolutionaries . In: The China Quarterly . No. 193 , 2008, ISSN  0305-7410 , p. 102-121 , JSTOR : 20192166 .
  3. a b c 中共中央 关于 镇压 反革命 活动 的 指示. In: China Internet Information Center . Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Chinese).
  4. a b 中共 功 罪 评说 之 四 : “镇 反” 运动 杀 了 多少 人? In: Voice of America . Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Chinese).
  5. a b Zhou Shuohuan (周 硕 寰): 试论 叶剑英 领导 广东 镇 反 运动 的 历史 功绩. In: Renmin Wang . Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Chinese).
  6. Rudolph J. Rummel: "Demozid" - the commanded death: mass murders in the 20th century . LIT Verlag Münster, 2003, ISBN 978-3-8258-3469-2 .
  7. a b Huang Zhong (黄 钟): 第 一次 镇 反 运动 考察 (含 注释). In: Yanhuang Chunqiu . Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Chinese).
  8. ^ Jan Kiely: The Compelling Ideal: Thought Reform and the Prison in China, 1901-1956 . Yale University Press, 2014, ISBN 978-0-300-18637-6 .
  9. Julia C. Strauss: Paternalist Terror: The Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries and Regime Consolidation in the People's Republic of China, 1950-1953 . In: Comparative Studies in Society and History . tape 44 , no. 1 , 2002, ISSN  0010-4175 , p. 80-105 , JSTOR : 3879401 .
  10. Perry, Elizabeth: Moving The Masses: Emotion Work In The Chinese Revolution. (PDF) In: Harvard University. 2002, accessed July 13, 2020 .
  11. a b Hu Ping (胡平): 对 中共 镇 反 运动 的 盖棺 定论 (之一). In: Radio Free Asia . Retrieved July 13, 2020 (Chinese).
  12. a b 新 中国 成立 初期 大 镇 反 : 乱世 用 重典 (8). In: Renmin Wang . June 15, 2020, accessed July 13, 2020 (Chinese).
  13. ^ World Peace Foundation: China: The People's War of Liberation and CCP Consolidation | Mass Atrocity Endings. Retrieved July 13, 2020 (American English).
  14. ^ Fiona Brookman, Edward R. Maguire, Mike Maguire: The Handbook of Homicide . John Wiley & Sons, 2017, ISBN 978-1-118-92448-8 .
  15. 镇 反 : 朱自清 之 子 的 冤死. In: Phoenix New Media (凤凰网). Retrieved July 13, 2020 .