Karel Kadlec

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Karel Kadlec

Karel Kadlec (born January 11, 1865 in Přehořov near Soběslav , † December 4, 1928 in Prague ) was a Czech legal scholar .

Kadlec studied law at the Charles University in Prague and was awarded a doctorate in 1889. iur. PhD . He then opened a law firm in Prague and worked as editor of the magazine Hlas národa ("The People's Voice"). From 1890 to 1905 he was secretary at the National Theater in Prague. In 1899 he completed his habilitation at the Charles University for Slavic legal history. In 1905 he received an extraordinary professorship, the first professorship for Slavic legal history. In 1909 he was appointed full professor. For 1911 and 1927 he was elected Dean of the Law Faculty.

In his research work, Kadlec dealt mainly with the comparative legal history of the Slavic peoples. He mastered all Slavic languages ​​and presented fundamental studies that formed the starting point for any further research long after their publication. He received international recognition for his work. He was a member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1920 General Secretary), the Academy of Sciences in Cracow , the Serbian Academy of Sciences , the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , the Romanian Academy and the Russian Academy of Sciences .

Fonts (selection)

  • Provozovací právo k dílům dramatickým a hudebním . Prague 1892
  • Rodinný nedíl čili zádruha v právu slovanském . Prague 1898
  • Verbőczyovo tripartite a soukromé právo uherské i chorvatské šlechty v něm obsažené . Prague 1902
  • Agrární právo v Bosně a Hercegovině . Prague 1903
  • Z ústavního vývoje habsburského mocnářství . Prague 1912
  • Valaši a valašské právo v zemích slovanských a uherských . Prague 1916
  • Jugoslavia. O bojích jižních Slovanů za státní samostatnost . Prague 1919
  • Dějiny veřejného práva v střední Evropě . Prague 1920. Reprints 1921, 1923, 1928
  • Přehled právních dějin Moravy . Prague 1926
  • Introduction à l'étude comparative de l'histoire du droit public des peuples slaves . Paris 1933


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