Karin Orth

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Karin Orth (* 1963 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German historian .


Orth studied Medieval and Modern History, Political Science and Sociology at the Universities of Frankfurt am Main and Berlin from 1984 to 1989. She then worked from 1990 to 1993 as a research assistant at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial as part of a survey project on the life stories of concentration camp survivors. From 1994 to 1997 at the Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg and in 1998 at the Institute for Social Research there. After her doctorate , she was a lecturer at the University of Hamburg until 1998/99 .

From 1998 to 2008 she was a research assistant and then employed at the history seminar of the University of Freiburg , from 2001 to 2007 she was also a scientific coordinator of the research group on the "History of the German Research Foundation (1920-1970)". From 2008 to 2010 she was the managing director of the International Graduate Academy of the University of Freiburg and then returned to her job. Her habilitation takes place in 2015. Orth lives in Freiburg im Breisgau .

Her publications focus on the history of National Socialism and the history of science in the 20th century.

Publications (selection)

  • “Female visit only”. Servants in Berlin 1890–1914 (= Campus Research , Volume 708). Campus, Frankfurt am Main 1993, ISBN 3-593-34984-1
  • The commanders of the National Socialist concentration camps. And: deficiencies in the warehouse statistics. In: Ulrich Herbert, Karin Orth, Christoph Dieckmann (eds.): The National Socialist Concentration Camps: Development and Structure. 1998, ISBN 978-3-596-15516-3 , pp. 168-192.
  • The system of the National Socialist concentration camps. A political organization story. Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 1999 ( ISBN 978-3-930908-52-3 ) and Pendo, 2002, ISBN 978-3-85842-450-1 (review by Peter Witte for newsletter - information from the Fritz Bauer Institute No. 18 Spring 2000)
  • The concentration camp SS. Social structural analyzes and biographical studies. Wallstein, Göttingen, 2000; or dtv, 2004, ISBN 3-8924-4380-7 (Review by Christian Scharnefsky for hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de from May 17, 2001)
  • The historiography of the concentration camps and the more recent research on concentration camps. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 47, 2007, pp. 579–598 (overview of the literature on concentration camps as a research subject up to 2006; desiderata are formulated)
  • Research autonomy and planning. Funding policy strategies of the German Research Foundation 1949–1968 . Steiner, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-515-09832-8
  • The Nazi expulsion of Jewish scholars. The policy of the German Research Foundation and the reactions of those affected . Wallstein, Göttingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-8353-1863-2
  • Expulsion from the science system. Commemorative book for the committee members of the DFG expelled under National Socialism (contributions to the history of the German Research Foundation, 7), Stuttgart 2018, ISBN 978-3-515-11953-5

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