Karl-Heinrich Lebherz

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Karl-Heinrich Lebherz (born February 6, 1935 in Stuttgart ) is a German local politician and former Lord Mayor of the city of Winnenden in the Rems-Murr district in Baden-Württemberg .


Lebherz grew up in Oberrot in the Schwäbisch Hall district . From 1971 to 1978 he was First Alderman and from 1978 to 1994 Lord Mayor of the city of Winnenden. He was also President of the Württemberg Athletics Association from 1993 to 2003. In 2004 he was made honorary president.

Lebherz is the 2nd chairman of the fire brigade museum in Winnenden. He lives in the Schelmenholz district of Winnenden.


  • 1995: Honorary citizen of the city of Winnenden
  • 1988: Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon
  • Federal Cross of Merit, First Class
  • Staufer medal of the country in gold
  • Hans Breuen Prize of Honor from the DLV


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgart Germany: Ex-Mayor is 80 years old: Lebherz 'curriculum vitae. Retrieved January 14, 2019 .
  2. News. January 14, 2019, accessed January 14, 2019 .
  3. ^ WLV honorary president Karl-Heinrich Lebherz turns 85
  4. Board of Directors on feuerwehrmuseum-winnenden.de