Karl-Josef Kaufmann

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Karl-Josef Kaufmann , also Karl-Joseph or Josef , (born January 14, 1865 in Wertheim , † March 30, 1945 in Schönebeck (Elbe) ) was a German archivist and historian . His research focus was the history of Danzig and West Prussia .


Kaufmann studied at the universities of Strasbourg , Munich and Bonn and worked at the Prussian Historical Institute in Rome from 1891 to 1900 . In 1889 he received his doctorate in Bonn with a thesis on the Eighty Years War . From 1900 to 1903 he worked as an archivist in the Magdeburg State Archives , from 1903 to 1928 in the Danzig State Archives , and from 1921 on his retirement as director.

In 1918/19 he was chairman of the German People's Council in Danzig. Politically, Kaufmann advocated the revision of the Versailles Treaty . The title of an essay on the 25th anniversary of his agency is programmatic: The State Archives of the Free City of Danzig, its history and its significance for the Germanness of West Prussia. Under his leadership, the Gdansk State Archives formed a “center for politicized historical research”.


  • Seweryn Szczepański: Karl Josef Kaufmann (1865-1945), historyk, archiwista, author pierwszej monografii Susz. In: Suski Słownik Biograficzny, bibliography pp. 54–56, [1]

Publications (selection)

  • History of the city of Deutsch Eylau. Danzig 1905, reprint Münster 2005
  • The constitutional relationship between Gdańsk and Poland from 1454–1793 and 1807–14. Gdansk 1920
  • Danzig's Germanness, state independence and validity in the past. Documents in photographs from the Gdańsk State Archives. Gdansk 1923
  • German West Prussia. Berlin 1926
  • (Editor :) Festschrift to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the State Archives. Gdansk 1928

Individual evidence

  1. Karl-Josef Kaufmann: About the beginnings of the league of the nobility and the iconoclasm. Contributions to the history of the Dutch uprising. Diss. Bonn 1889
  2. ^ Karl Josef Kaufmann: History of the City of Deutsch Eylau. Reprint of the edition published in Danzig in 1905 , Münster / Westphalia 2005, p. VIII
  3. Karl Josef Kaufmann: The State Archives of the Free City of Danzig, its history and its significance for the Germanness of West Prussia. In: Festschrift to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the State Archives. Danzig 1928, p. 7ff.
  4. Maria Gierlak (editor): In the interplay of cultures. Festschrift for Professor Karol Sauerland. Toruń 2001, p. 214

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