Karl-Peter Schliewe

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Karl-Peter Schliewe (born July 2, 1929 in Rastenburg ; † January 24, 2014 in Aachen ) was a German architect and construction clerk.


Karl-Peter Schliewe was born as the son of the master builder and contractor Wilhelm Schliewe and Irmgard Schliewe. Born Klein in Rastenburg, East Prussia. Shortly before the end of the war he was drafted into the Volkssturm and taken prisoner by Russia. After the expulsion at the end of the Second World War, the family lived in Wesel, where he initially found work after being released from captivity. To study civil engineering, he went to the newly founded United Technical Schools in Koblenz . Having passed the civil engineering examination with distinction to study at a technical university, he went to study architecture at the RWTH Aachen , where he became active in the Corps Saxonia-Berlin in the summer semester of 1954 .

After completing the architecture studies with a grade of Dipl.-Ing. From mid-1958, he worked as a freelance architect in Erich Kühn 's planning office, where he was responsible for the planning of various larger new institute buildings at RWTH Aachen University. At the same time, from 1965 to 1967, he completed his legal traineeship for building construction and urban development at the Aachen State Building Authority, which he completed with a thesis on urban development and the 2nd state examination at the Frankfurt Higher Examination Office.

From 1967 to 1969, as a government building assessor, he was responsible for the planning and construction of the University of Applied Sciences for Reactor Technology, Nuclear Chemistry and Physics in Jülich. From 1969 to 1973 he planned various institutes of the RWTH Aachen as a government building officer and from 1971 as a senior government building officer at the Aachen State Building Authority and the expansion of the Aachen University of Education, which was still independent at the time.

After the decision of the action program for university building 1975-1980 of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, he was commissioned as government building director in 1973 with the organizational and personnel development of the Central Planning Center for the Rationalization of State Buildings (ZPL) at the Aachen location and was responsible for the Planning, project planning and construction of the comprehensive universities in Duisburg, Essen, Wuppertal, Siegen and Paderborn combined with the establishment of five local construction management teams at the new university locations. In November 1975, by a cabinet decision of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, he was appointed chief government director. In February 1978, by a cabinet decision of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, he was appointed director of the central planning office for the rationalization of state buildings NW in Aachen . To enable the new building program to be implemented quickly, the ZPL jointly developed a building system for all new and old university locations to be expanded, which could be flexibly adapted to the different topography and urban planning of the respective location. This program created a total of 50,000 new study places

In April 1985 Karl-Peter Schliewe was appointed founding director of the State Institute for Construction and Applied Building Damage Research (LBB) of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and entrusted with the organizational structure of the institute, which in addition to its tasks continued the cross-location tasks of the ZPL. In October 1985 Schliewe was appointed to the board of special construction management for the Aachen Clinic (SBL) in addition to his previous duties . In November 1989, two months before his retirement as director of LBB, he was able to officially hand over the Aachen University Hospital to the user. He retired in January 1990.


The new university buildings in Siegen and Paderborn received distinction from the Chamber of Architects. Karl-Peter Schliewe was an extraordinary member of the Association of German Architects .


  • Central computer system of the RWTH Aachen
  • Other institute buildings between 1963 and 1967
  • Institute building for reactor technology, nuclear chemistry and physics of the FH Aachen in Jülich (1967–1969)
  • Other RWTH institute buildings
  • Extension of the PH Aachen
  • Extension buildings of the RWTH Aachen
  • Extension buildings of the University of Dortmund
  • Extension buildings of the University of Cologne
  • New building for the University of Essen
  • New building for the University of Duisburg
  • New building for the University of Paderborn
  • New building for the University of Siegen
  • New building for the University of Wuppertal
  • Completion of the Aachen Clinic for use (1989)


  • Thesis on urban planning (2nd state examination), 1967
  • Regional Labor Court and Labor Court Hamm . In: Deutsche Bauzeitschrift 10, 1979
  • The library equipment planning , in: From the new location of the general university library , commemorative publication of the general university library Siegen on the occasion of the move into its new building, 1977, p. 27 ff. (Together with Antje Mennicken and Jutta Peters)
  • Art and construction: 1967-1979 , 1980.
  • Prussian Buildings on the Rhine , 1981. (Book for an exhibition in the house of the District President Düsseldorf from March 13th - April 9th ​​1981)
  • Prussian buildings on the Rhine , 1983
  • The cafeteria - a manual for canteen planning; a documentation and evaluation of new cafeteria buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia , 1981. (together with Alfons Esch)
  • Planner training design conference of the state of NW for government building trainees, Bad Godesberg from 11th to 15th August 1980 , 1981
  • The State Institute for Building and Applied Building Damage Research (LBB) , 1985


  • Wolfgang Diefenbach: Karl-Peter Schliewe's professional career , in: Sachsenblatt October 2011
  • Wolfgang Diefenbach: In memoriam Karl-Peter Schliewe , in Sachsenblatt , October 2014, p. 14

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice Karl-Peter Schliewe in the Aachener Nachrichten of January 29, 2014
  2. ^ The Ostpreußenblatt, October 1955, volume 42, part 4
  3. ^ Carl Weigandt: History of the Corps Saxonia-Berlin, 1867–1967, Aachen 1968, p. 295
  4. ^ Training of government building trainees (2 examples), order signature: BR 1038 No. 566 in the State Archive of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Department
  5. 1263. Meeting of the Cabinet of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia on Tuesday, November 4, 1975, in Düsseldorf, House of the Prime Minister, Haroldstrasse at www.archive.nrw.de
  6. 1350th meeting of the cabinet of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia on Tuesday, February 28, 1978, in Bonn, House of the State Representation of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dahlmannstrasse 2 at www.archive.nrw.de
  7. Karl Schliewe. In: arch INFORM .
  8. NRW architects database of the University of Dortmund