Karl Agnel Schneider

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Karl Agnel Schneider (Czech Karel Sudimír Šnajdr ; born December 14, 1766 in Königgrätz , † May 17, 1835 in Smidar ) was an Austrian- Bohemian lawyer and writer.

After attending high school in his hometown, Schneider studied philosophy, literature and history at the universities of Prague, Leipzig, Halle and Göttingen. From 1786 he studied law, literature and aesthetics in Prague. In 1892 he began his career as a lawyer and became legal advisor in various places, from 1803 in Prague. After August Gottlieb Meißner left , he taught aesthetics and classical literature at the University of Prague from 1805 to 1806 . He worked as legal advisor for his friend and patron Joseph Graf von Colloredo-Mels and Wallsee . In 1806 he went to Rožďalowitz , then for Count Colloredo to Dimokur , in 1825 to Smidar. In 1832 he retired.

Since the 1790s he has mainly published poems in German, since 1820, under the influence of the writer Josef Vojtěch Sedláček, he only published poems and ballads in Czech and Czechized his name.
