Karl Eberhard von Wächter

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Karl Eberhard Wächter , from 1806 von Wächter , (born November 23, 1758 in Vaihingen an der Enz , † July 24, 1829 in Stuttgart ) was a German lawyer, civil servant and interior minister in the service of the King of Württemberg .


Karl Eberhard von Wächter came from an old Württemberg civil servant family. He was the eldest son of the Württemberg court and finance councilor Johann Eberhard von Wächter (1735–1807) and his wife Maria Regina Sigel (1733–1798). Karl Eberhard's younger brother Johann Eberhard Waechter (1762–1839) was the father of the politician Karl Georg von Wächter . Another brother of Karl Eberhard was Johann Friedrich von Wächter (1767–1840), the father of the later Minister Karl Freiherr von Waechter-Spittler .


After attending grammar school in Stuttgart and studying law at the Hohen Karlsschule , Karl Eberhard von Wächter joined Duke Carl Eugen of Württemberg as government secretary on December 15, 1779 . Due to its various publications the High School in 1794 Carl doctorate him immediately before its dissolution to Dr. jur. In the same year he was appointed government councilor and thus a member of the ducal secret council.

When the government was reorganized in 1806 with the acceptance of the royal dignity by Duke and Elector Friedrich and the amalgamation of the areas of Old and New Württemberg, Wächter was transferred to the Second Senate of the Civil Court at the Higher Justice College. On June 22, 1807, the king appointed him senior government councilor of the senior police department at the Ministry of the Interior. On September 11, 1807, Wächter issued the Police Ordinance against Vagants and other persons dangerous to public safety . From 1810 he and other officials worked on drafting a penal code for the Kingdom of Württemberg. In 1811 he was appointed State Councilor in the Department of the Interior. After the king's return from the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Wächter was appointed one of the royal commissioners who, together with the commissioners from the assembly of estates, were to negotiate the draft constitution for the Kingdom of Württemberg. On November 9, 1816, the new King Wilhelm I appointed him a member of the Privy Council and provisional head of the Department of the Interior. This corresponded to the position of Minister of the Interior, which he held until February 26, 1817. Wächter played a leading role in the draft of a constitution presented in 1817, but its adoption in the Assembly of Estates failed. He then remained an influential member of the Privy Council until his retirement in the summer of 1826.

He joined the Freemasons' Association in Tübingen around 1770. In Stuttgart in 1774 he was one of the co-founders of the lodge to the three cedars .


Karl Eberhard von Wächter married Friederike Rosine Schüz (1766–1843) on January 11, 1787, a daughter of the late clerk from Maulbronn . From the marriage there were three children who reached adulthood; two sons and a daughter.


  • 1806 Knight's Cross of the Order of Civil Merit
  • 1812 Commander's Cross of the Order of Civil Merit
  • 1818 Commentary Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown
  • 1820 Awarded the title of Excellence


  • De modis tollendi pacta inter gentes , Stuttgart 1779.
  • About penitentiaries and penitentiary sentences , Stuttgart 1786.
  • About the competition of the church property in the Duchy of Württemberg to the burdens of war, in particular to repay the damage caused by the latest French contribution , Stuttgart 1798.

Individual evidence

  1. Friederike Rosine Schüz. Worldroots, archived from the original ; Retrieved March 25, 2017 .
