Karl Gerlich

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Karl Gerlich (born July 8, 1865 in Brno , Moravia , † June 6, 1933 in Brno-Ober-Gerspitz) was a senior teacher in Brno, naturalist and prehistoric in Moravia.


He attended four classes at the German State High School in Brno and later the teacher training institute there. He got his first job as a teacher in 1885 at the German private elementary school in Prerau . At Predmost near Prerau he often visited the mammoth hunter station . He owed the introduction to prehistory to the two researchers Karel Jaroslav Maška and Martin Kříž . Karl Gerlich soon undertook excavations in the area around Prerau, which was rich in prehistoric graves.

He handed over the finds to the State Museum and wrote reports to the Anthropological Society in Vienna and to the “ KK Central Commission for Research and Conservation of Art and Historical Monuments” Vienna ( Federal Monuments Office ). He also sent this Central Commission numerous photographs of interesting architecture, churches, chapels, crossroads, grave slabs and the associated descriptions and became its corresponding member. His publications appeared in the "Mitteilungen der Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien", "Mitteilungen der KK Central Commission for Research and Conservation of Art and Historical Monuments" (Vienna), the "Annals of the KK Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum" (Vienna) and in the "Zeitschrift for Austrian folklore ".

In recognition of his work, the Moravian Museum Society appointed him a correspondent in 1897 and a curator in 1909 . He sent folklore objects from the regions of Hanna (Moravia) and Slovakia to the Austrian Museum of Folklore .

From 1891 to 1902 he was also head of the meteorological observation station in Prerau and sent daily weather reports by telegram to the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics , which were then used in the weather maps. He also sent weather reports to the Meteorological Section of the Natural Research Association in Brno. He also provided this section with weather reports from Brno-Ober-Gerspitz for 11 years. Founder of the association was u. a. the naturalist Gregor Mendel .

In 1889 Karl Gerlich was appointed senior teacher and head of the German elementary school in Brno Ober-Gerspitz. In 1925 he was retired in recognition of his service. He now used his time to publish articles in the Brünner Tagesbote, in the Brünner Tageblatt and in the “Notices of the Association for History”. Unprinted works by Karl Gerlich are: "The catalog of the painting collections in the State Museum", "Romanesque village churches in Moravia", "Wooden churches in Moravia", "Former and existing monasteries in Brno", "Painting collection in Moravia" and "Some important monasteries in Moravia" .

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Pillwein , Helmut Schneider: Lexicon of significant Brno Germans. 1800-2000. Your view of life, your personality, your work. Famous and important, distinguished and deserving, known and less known. BHB, Schwäbisch Gmünd 2000, ISBN 3-00-005970-9 , p. 77.
  2. Karl Gerlich. In: Encyklopedie dějin města Brna. City of Brno website, May 5, 2011, accessed August 1, 2012.
  3. Brno Daily Messenger. September 16, 1889, p. 3.
  4. Life u. Working pictures of Sudeten German teachers. Volume 1. Teachers' Association, Pohrlitz 1933, p. 204.