Karl Heinrich Lämmel

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Karl Heinrich Lämmel (* 1910 ; missing since 1945 ) was a German press and documentary photographer .


Little is known about the life of Karl Heinrich Lämmel. In the 1930s he worked as a photo reporter for the Mauritius publishing house, which was based in Berlin and whose archive was closed in 1939, the year the Second World War began .

According to previous knowledge, Lämmel disappeared without a trace in 1945.

Decades later, numerous recordings by Lammel were (re-) discovered in the archive of Mauritius Verlag. For example, they show the architecture and, above all, the people during everyday life in the cityscape of Munich before the air raids on the Bavarian capital. “With a love of detail, he moved apparent trivialities into the foreground. The main motive [... became ...] a minor matter. "

There were also photographs by Lämmel that he had taken in Cologne in the 1930s .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Lea Kramer: Munich historical / photos from the 30s: Here the tram goes over the Stachus! , in the evening newspaper of March 24, 2014; in the version from March 28, 2014 stored long-term ( memento from March 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in the Internet Archive
  2. Frank Golomb (responsible): About us on the united-archives.fotograf.de page , accessed on June 13, 2015
  3. Oh, what was that beautiful earlier! ; Sample photos on the Kölnische Rundschau website