Karl Hirschbold

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Karl Hirschbold (born September 14, 1908 , † October 1994 in Vienna ) was an Austrian teacher, author and radio journalist.


Hirsch Bold first attended in Vienna for five years the elementary school and then three years the public school . As a student of the same, he was able to qualify for admission to the Federal College in Vienna, an institution for the training of elementary school teachers. The graduation from the Federal Teaching Institute was a school leaving examination, which was similar to the Austrian Matura or the German Abitur and which Hirschbold took in 1927. He then took teacher training courses at the Pedagogical Institute of the City of Vienna, and then enrolled at the University of Vienna to study German and English , which he completed with the so-called Absolutorium , an approximate equivalent of the First State Examination . In 1933, Hirschbold entered the school service, first teaching at elementary schools, later mainly English at secondary schools. Nothing more is known about his activities in the period from the so-called Anschluss of Austria to the end of the Second World War . After the Second World War, Hirschbold stood out for his outstanding achievements in the design of foreign language teaching and was appointed as a consultant for English in the area of ​​the Vienna City School Council. Hirschbold worked there until he voluntarily retired in 1970. He is the author of numerous textbooks for teaching English. In addition, Hirschbold designed over 50 school radio programs for German lessons.

Hirschbold died in 1994 and is buried at Baumgartner Friedhof (group DA, number 107) in Vienna.

Work as a language tutor

Hirschbold is known to the general public in Austria primarily as a language carer, from radio programs such as The Right Word in the Right Place , Blossoms from the Forest of Leaves , and Achtung! Voice police! , as well as through numerous of his publications on the subject.

Hirschbold's program “Achtung Sprachpolizei!” Was one of the few programs that succeeded in overcoming the threshold of the broadcasting reform from RAVAG to ORF in 1967 due to its popularity . From 1952 to 1978 a total of 475 episodes were produced in which "sloppy" and incorrect handling of the German language was criticized in a humorous, but slightly authoritarian way (for example, the tendency towards the elimination of the "genitive S", violations of the rule "if is undignified ”, misrelated relative clauses). The peppy characteristic melody and the self-deprecating text (quote: “The language policeman strictly notes what is against the laws of grammar ... but once a shot gets to our ears, it's just a shot ... humor " ). Due to the success of the show, Hirschbold was also active as a non-fiction author around 1960, and from 1977 he wrote the column stalking in the language area for the newspaper Die Presse , a collection of which was published in book form.

Karl Hirschbold was also an honorary member of the mother tongue association and was active in language maintenance there.

Awards and honors

Hirschbold has received several awards for his achievements:

  • 1960 honorary plaque of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation
  • 1961 Promotion Prize for Public Education
  • 1969 honorary title professor
  • 1969 Gold Medal of Merit of the State of Vienna

Works (selection)

  • Hirschbold, Karl (1956). Attention! Voice police! A laughing room for everyone . Vienna: Publishing house for youth and people.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1958). Diary of a language policeman . Vienna: Publishing house for youth and people.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1963). Dictate and type. Correct use of the German language at work . Munich: Südwest-Verlag.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1964). Punctuation marks, correctly set . Vienna: Publishing house for youth and people.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1966). English is easy. A textbook for the second class trains of the fourth secondary school classes . Vienna: Deuticke.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1967). I learn English: English language course . Vienna: Austrian federal publisher for teaching, science and art.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1968). A hammer for grammar. English grammar for secondary schools and for the polytechnic course . Vienna: Austrian federal publisher for teaching, science and art.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1970). Time for packing A teaching, training and Review book for the 4th grade of the secondary schools . Vienna: Austrian federal publisher for teaching, science and art.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1976). Better German from A to Z. A reference work for Austrians . Vienna: Austrian federal publisher for teaching, science and art.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1985). Stalking in the language area . Düsseldorf: Erb.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1986). Signpost in the labyrinth of language. 1000 examples of grammatical missteps . Vienna: Austrian Federal Publishing House.
  • Hirschbold, Karl (1988). Look and speak . Vienna: Austrian federal publisher for teaching, science and art.


  • Sretenovic, Karl (1978). Professor Karl Hirschbold - 70 years . In: Education and Teaching Vol. 128. S. 472 f.
  • Seebauer, Renate (2011). Teacher training in portraits. From normal school to the present . Vienna: LIT.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sretenovic, Karl (1978). Professor Karl Hirschbold - 70 years . In: Education and Teaching. Austrian educational journal . Volume 128. pp. 472–473.
  2. ^ Janich, Nina & Greule, Albrecht (2002). Language cultures in Europe. An international manual . Tübingen: Fool. P. 42.