Karl Klietsch

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Karl Klietsch

Karel Václav Klíč (German Karl Wenzel Klietsch) (born May 31, 1841 in Arnau , † November 16, 1926 in Vienna ) was a Bohemian painter, photographer and graphic artist.


His father Karel Klíč (1812–1886) was a chemist and director of a paper mill. At the age of fourteen Karel began studying painting at the Academy in Prague . However, he had to leave this after a short time because he caricatured Austrian ministers. After a long break, he was not able to graduate from school until 1862. Shortly thereafter, he founded the Rafael photo studio in Brno .

However, he spent most of his time abroad. He worked as a draftsman, illustrator and caricaturist in Budapest and Vienna, but during this time he devoted himself more and more to questions of reproduction technology. During his subsequent long stay in England, Klietsch became publicly known. He was appointed director of an important graphic work and he then lived in Vienna until his death. He is buried in the Hietzing cemetery.


Klietsch was primarily concerned with image reproduction using the gravure printing process , which he perfected in many experiments. He had learned the technique while working in lithographic workshops. His father already owned a photo studio. Klietsch was also known as a caricaturist, publisher and painter.

He invented the 1879 Heliogravure and in 1890 the rotogravure , also the Inlaid- linoleum and Klicotypie . In 1895, Klietsch co-founded the English Rembrandt Intaglio Printing Company in Lancaster .


Web links

Commons : Karel Klíč  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files