Karl Kuhnke

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Karl Kuhnke, portrait photo from the Reichstag handbook 1933

Karl Kuhnke (born February 28, 1881 in Zühlsdorf , Arnswalde district ; † unknown) was a German politician (DNVP).

Live and act

Kuhnke attended secondary school in Arnswalde , after which he worked as a practical farmer from 1897. From the summer of 1914 to the end of 1918 or from the beginning of 1918 to the end of 1918, he took part in the First World War. After his discharge from the army with the rank of lieutenant , Kuhnke began to be politically active during the revolutionary period .

In 1919 Kuhnke joined the German National People's Party (DNVP). According to the Reichstag handbook, he lived as a farmer in Kossin in the Pyritz district until at least 1933 . In the Reichstag election of September 1930 he was elected to the Reichstag for the first time , in which he initially represented constituency 6 (Pomerania) until July 1932. After a four-month absence from the Reichstag from July to November 1932, Kuhnke was able to return to the Reichstag in the Reichstag election of November 1932 on the national election proposal of the DNVP. In the Reichstag election of March 1933 , Kuhnke was able to renew his mandate for constituency 6. He then belonged to the Reichstag until November 1933. One of the important parliamentary events in which Kuhnke took part during his time as a member of parliament was the vote on the Enabling Act in March 1933, which was finally passed with Kuhnke's vote .

Kuhnke's further life after leaving the Reichstag is unclear.

Web links

  • Karl Kuhnke in the database of members of the Reichstag

Individual evidence

  1. Information in the Reichstag handbooks for the 5th, 7th and 8th legislative periods of the Weimar Republic contradict each other: One time it says “Participation in the war from the beginning of November 1918”, and another time it says “The war began until the end of 1918”.