Karl Leopold Strauven

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Karl Leopold Strauven (born November 7, 1814 in Düsseldorf ; † September 25, 1886 there ) was a Düsseldorf notary and local researcher as well as an employee of the General German Biography .


Karl Leopold Strauven was born in 1814 as the son of Karl Josef Strauven, most recently government secretary in Düsseldorf, from Goch, and Maria Theresa Custodis. The house where he was born was then house No. 24 on Flinger Strasse . He had two siblings, brother Adolf and sister Katharina. He attended grammar school in Münster and then studied law, also in Münster. After graduating, he worked as a royal Prussian notary, first in Wermelskirchen, then in Mettmann and from 1860 in Düsseldorf. His notary's office was initially on Bilker Straße 34 and later on Königsallee 32 . In 1840 he married Isabella Pauli and had seven children with her. One of his children was his son Karl Friederich, who also worked as a local researcher and died in 1913.

In addition to his work as a notary, Karl Leopold was a dedicated local researcher on the side. He was particularly interested in the history of the former Duchy of Berg and the city of Düsseldorf. In 1856 he became a member of the Historical Society and from 1882, together with his brother Adolf, became a member of the Düsseldorf History Society. He was also a member of the Bergisches Historisches Verein . In 1884 - already seriously ill - he became deputy chairman of the Düsseldorf History Society. But he was only briefly due to his imminent death. The focus of Strauven's activities was the collection of old documents, services to the expansion of the Historical Museum in Düsseldorf , the writing of various books, which are listed in the following chapter, and articles on historical topics on Düsseldorf and Bergische history in specialist journals and newspapers as well as lectures before historical ones Unite in the Rhine Province .

On November 25, 1886, Karl Leopold died after a long and serious illness. His estate, the historical documents and notes he had collected, were acquired on April 30, 1913 by the Rüntz antiquarian bookshop from the Düsseldorf home archive.


As already mentioned, he wrote lengthy treatises on local history, some of which were also published in book form. He also collected historical and current documents, some of which were combined into regesta. Below is a list of regesta, publications and books:

  • Chronicle of Düsseldorf with a document book from the city of Düsseldorf
  • 2 documents on the construction of the Altenberg Abbey Church
  • Capture of Duke Wilhelm von Berg by his son, Count Adolf von Ravensberg in 1403
  • About artistic life and work in Düsseldorf to the Düsseldorf painter school under director Schadow , 1862
  • History of Düsseldorf Palace , March 1872
  • Historical news about Benrath , 1874
  • The princely mausoleums of Düsseldorf , 1879
  • The Calvary in the old town at the Lambertus Church here itself , 1883


Web links

Wikisource: Karl Leopold Strauven  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Otto Schell:  Strauven, Karl Leopold . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 54, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1908, p. 616.
  2. ^ Stadtarchiv Düsseldorf, in: Holdings 4–15–0, Karl Leopold Strauven .


  1. For this, obituary 278/9 in the journal Bergischer Geschichtsverein , 1886, under the web link cited, pages 278 and 279.
  2. For this, the cited web link from the Düsseldorf City Archives.
  3. The chronicle was published in the magazine "Düsseldorfer Volksblatt, 1872, No. 35-107", as a "To be continued" report and an associated collection of documents was created. However, both works could no longer be published in book form by KL Strouven.
  4. The first publication under this title took place in 1874 in the "Zeitschrift des Bergisches Geschichtsverein", X, 1874, pp. 49-75 and only under the name KL Strauven. A later bound book edition, both a book and a digital version of it, is available in the University Library of Düsseldorf, states KL Strauven and Wilhelm Crecelius as the authors with the year of publication ≈ 1890.