Karl Millner

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Karl Millner (born March 25, 1825 in Mindelheim , † May 19, 1895 in Munich ) was a German landscape painter .


Millner came from Mindelheim to Munich, the then cultural capital of Germany, around 1850, in order to perfect his artistic skills and to receive new ideas. Influenced by Carl Rottmann (1797–1850) and Eduard Schleich (the elder 1812–1874), Millner quickly made a name for himself as a good painter, particularly of alpine landscapes. From 1858 Millner also studied painting with Julius Lange .

Characteristic for his style were the dramatic appearances of the high Alps . He painted wide mountain panoramas with great meticulousness, which are characterized by fine details and skillfully used light and shadow contrasts.

Karl Millner, Mountain Landscape, oil on canvas, 1867

The connection to the art dealer Daniel Loffel in 1857 gave Millner the opportunity to work in a financially secure environment. It also created the conditions for many young artists of the time to work in his studio .

In Mindelheim, the Carl Millner Gallery (opened in 2012, redesigned in 2018) commemorates the painter who was born in the city.


Web links

Commons : Karl Millner  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files