Karlsruhe Convention

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The Karlsruhe Convention of January 23, 1996 is a state treaty between the governments of Germany , France , Luxembourg and Switzerland . The agreement regulates regional and local cooperation across the borders of the signatory states and ensures legal certainty. In Germany it is published in the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) 1997 II p. 1159 and came into force on September 1, 1997. The full title is The Karlsruhe Agreement . Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Swiss Federal Council , acting on behalf of the Cantons of Solothurn , Basel-Stadt , Basel-Landschaft , Aargau and Canton Jura , on cross-border cooperation between regional authorities and local public authorities. The German-French-Swiss Upper Rhine Conference played a decisive role in this.

Based on the agreement, municipalities and regions can conclude legally binding, cross-border cooperation agreements with the municipal and regional authorities of the other contracting states and thus coordinate decisions with one another. This would enable them to provide mutual services and jointly operate public facilities.

One of the goals of the Karlsruhe Convention is to promote the establishment of cross-border special-purpose associations, for example in the context of waste management, cross-border local public transport and also joint kindergartens and schools, which are particularly beneficial in terms of multilingual education.

Such cooperations are for example the cross- border local special purpose association Mittelhardt-Oberrhein and the Eurodistrict Regio Pamina , see also the article Eurodistrict .

Frank Bräutigam received his doctorate from the University of Freiburg in 2008 with his dissertation The “Cross-Border Local Purpose Association” according to the Karlsruhe Convention: A Comparative Law Study .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karlsruhe Convention Uni Saarland, accessed May 6, 2012
  2. ^ Catalog Freiburg . In: Freiburg University Library . Retrieved May 6, 2012.
