Kerstin Juergens

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Kerstin Jürgens (2018)

Kerstin Jürgens (* 1970 in Hameln ) is a German sociologist .

Scientific career

Kerstin Jürgens studied sociology , political science and Romance studies at the Philipps University of Marburg and at the Leibniz University of Hanover . She received her doctorate in Hanover in 1999 under Otfried Mickler ; after completing her habilitation in 2006, she was a substitute professor at the Institute for Sociology and Social Psychology there . Kerstin Jürgens has been Professor of Microsociology at the University of Kassel since 2008 .


Kerstin Jürgens has been researching questions relating to the subject of “work and life” since the 1990s. She has presented empirical studies on the flexibility of working hours, in which the effects on everyday life were examined. In this context, Jürgens repeatedly expressed himself critically about the “compatibility of work and family” in Germany, which she identified as a “chimera”. Expert reports were u. a. prepared for the family report of the federal government, the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia or the Bremen Chamber of Employees. In her habilitation thesis “Work and Life Force” she advocates a holistic concept of work and greater consideration of the interactions between areas of life. With the term “reproductive crisis”, Jürgens pointed out at an early stage that the working world, the welfare state and private lifestyles in Germany did not fit, which provoked not only a low birth rate but also excessive demands and exhaustion.


Kerstin Jürgens is a member of various advisory boards. She is a member of the German Society for Sociology (DGS) and was the spokesperson for the DGS Labor and Industrial Sociology Section from 2010 to 2015. From 2015 to 2017 she was a member of the advisory group for the draft white paper "Work 4.0" of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and, together with the DGB chairman, Reiner Hoffmann, chaired the expert commission "Work of the Future" of the Hansa Böckler Foundation. Since 2017, Jürgens has been working for digitalRat.niedersachsen , which advises the Lower Saxony state government on issues relating to digital change.

Selected publications

  • with Reiner Hoffmann and Christina Schildmann: transform work! Bielefeld: Transcript 2017.
  • with Klaus Dörre and Ingo Matuschek (eds.): Work in Europe. Market fundamentalism as an ordeal. Frankfurt a. M. / New York: Campus 2014.
  • with Mathias Heiden: test of strength. Companies and employees in the reproductive conflict. Berlin: Edition Sigma 2013.
  • Work and life force. Reproduction as stubborn demarcation . Wiesbaden: VS 2006 (2nd edition 2009).
  • with Matthias Eberling, Volker Hielscher and Eckart Hildebrandt: Precarious Balances. Flexible working hours between company regulations and individual requirements . Berlin: Edition Sigma 2004.
  • with Karsten Reinecke: Between Volkswagens and prams. Effects of the 28.8-hour week at VW AG on the family lifestyle of industrial workers . Berlin: Edition Sigma 1998 (2nd edition 2001).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kerstin Jürgens: The chimera of compatibility. Family life and flexible working hours. In: Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization . tape 23 , no. 3 , 2003, p. 251-267 .
  2. ^ Kerstin Jürgens / Sonja Fehr: Family and work: between time and money shortages. Old and new challenges of a key socio-political issue . In: Bremen Chamber of Employees: Dare to be more compatible! Bremen 2016, p. 12-29 .
  3. Kerstin Jürgens: Work and life force: reproduction as stubborn demarcation . 1st edition. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006.
  4. Kerstin Jürgens: Germany in the reproductive crisis . In: Leviathan . tape 38 , no. 4 , 2010, p. 559-587 .