Kibyra (Pamphylia)

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Kibyra ( Greek  Κίβυρα ), also called "the little Kibyra" ( ἡ μικρά ) to distinguish it from Kibyra in Phrygia , was an ancient city in Pamphylia , today located on Cape Karaburun, 32 kilometers west of Alanya . It also played a role in late antiquity and in the Middle Ages, and in the Middle Byzantine era from 734 onwards it was the seat of the stratēgos of the important sea ​​theme of the Kibyrrhaioten or Kibyrrhaiotai ( θέμα Κιβυρραιωτῶν ), which derived its name from the city.


Coordinates: 36 ° 39 ′  N , 31 ° 40 ′  E