Klaus Homann (politician)

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Klaus “Jockel” Homann (born October 2, 1937 in Bündheim ; † October 23, 2004 ) was the full-time mayor of the city of Bad Harzburg ( SPD ) between 1977 and 1981 and between 1986 and 2002 .

At the initiative of Horst Voigt , Homann joined the SPD. In 1972 he was elected to the council of the newly formed city of Bad Harzburg. In 1975 he became chairman of the Harzburg SPD local association and in 1976 was promoted to deputy mayor. As the successor to his party colleague Wilhelm Baumgarten , Homann was elected district administrator for the district of Goslar in 1986 and 1991 . In 2002 he lost his renewed candidacy to Ralf Abrahms .

Homann died three weeks after his 67th birthday in 2004.


  • Harald Meier, Kurt Neumann: Bad Harzburg. Chronicle of a city . Lax, Hildesheim 2000, ISBN 3-8269-8210-X , p. 349 f .

Individual evidence

  1. a b mourning for Klaus Homann . October 25, 2004, accessed February 20, 2019.
predecessor Office successor
Siegfried Hoffmann (1972–1977) Mayor of Bad Harzburg
Jürgen Dorka (1981–1986)
Jürgen Dorka (1981–1986) Mayor of Bad Harzburg
Ralf Abrahms (2002–)