Klaus Unterburger

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Klaus Unterburger (born October 14, 1971 in Wunsiedel ) is a German Roman Catholic theologian .


He attended grammar school in Wunsiedel from 1982 to 1991 . After high school in 1991 (average grade 1.0), he studied from 1991 to 1998 Catholic Theology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich , at the same time (as a double major ) 1991-1996 Philosophy at the University of Philosophy in Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians -University of Munich. He had the scholarship for particularly gifted people from 1991 to 1996. With the master's thesis Definism in the Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant and with Johann Gottlieb Fichte in the phase up to 1796 with Reinhard Lauth , he acquired a master's degree in philosophy (MA) at the University of Munich in 1996 ( Minor subjects: Catholic theology / Protestant theology ) with an average grade of 1.0 = with distinction.

From 1996 he was a research assistant at the chair for Church History of the Middle Ages and Modern Era of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Munich under Manfred Weitlauff . He obtained his licentiate in Catholic Theology (Lic. Theol.) At the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich (grade point average 1.0 = summa cum laude ) in 1998 with the thesis on Church and Dogma History at the University of Munich between I Vatican Council and crisis of modernism. Professors Joseph Bach, Isidor Silbernagl and Alois Knöpfler with Manfred Weitlauff. For the doctorate in 2004 to the Dr. theol. The Bavarian Concordat of 1583. The reorientation of the papal policy towards Germany after the Council of Trent and its effects on the relationship between secular and spiritual violence by the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich (average grade 1.0 = summa cum laude) he received the advancement award of the Diocese of Augsburg in November 2004.

From 2004 he was a research assistant at the seminar for middle and modern church history at the University of Münster with Hubert Wolf . With the habilitation thesis at the University of Münster teaching post, theology and university. The universal reform of the study of theology, philosophy and canon law under Pope Pius XI. With particular reference to the German university faculties, he obtained his habilitation in 2008 and was appointed private lecturer with the venia legendi for the subject of Middle and Modern Church History.

Since 2008 he has been an academic senior counselor at the seminar for medium and modern church history at the Westphalian Wilhelms University. From summer semester 2010 to summer semester 2011 he was on leave to represent the professorship for Middle and New Church History at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Regensburg . He had a teaching position for patrology at the KU Linz . From the winter semester 2011/12 to the summer semester 2012 he represented the chair for Middle and Modern Church History in Münster.

Since November 1, 2012, he has been teaching as Professor of Historical Theology / Middle and New Church History at the University of Regensburg.

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