Little Vry State

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Little Vry State
Small Free State
Flag of Transvaal.svg
Klein Vrystaat seal.jpg
Official language Dutch
Capital Piet Retief
Form of government republic
Head of state , also head of government JJ Ferreira
F.I. Maritz
surface 0.1458 km²
independence 1886

Klein Vrystaat (in German: Small Free State ) was a short-lived Boer republic in what is now the Republic of South Africa .

Around 1876 a group of Boers lived on land that they had bought from the Swazi chief Umbandino . A formal government was formed in 1886 and shortly afterwards they adopted a constitution . The state lasted until 1891 when it was incorporated into the South African Republic . The capital was Piet Retief .


  • CL Engelbrecht: Republiek van die Klein-Vrystaat (1886-1891) . Afrikanervolkswag, Orania 2000, ISBN 978-1-874840-28-2 .

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