Small fair-billed moss

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Small fair-billed moss
Eurhynchium hians.jpeg

Little fair- billed moss ( Oxyrrhynchium hians )

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Brachytheciaceae
Genre : Oxyrrhynchium
Type : Small fair-billed moss
Scientific name
Oxyrrhynchium hians
( Hedw. ) Loeske

The Little Schönschnabelmoos ( Oxyrrhynchium hians , Syn .: Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande Lac.) Is a very variable, diocesan deciduous moss species from the Brachytheciaceae family that grows in strong, yellow-green lawns.


The pleurocarp deciduous moss forms creeping stems that are leafy to dense, flattened to screwy. Its protruding or loosely adjoining leaves are lanceolate, gradually pointed, only slightly sloping down and 1 mm long. The leaf margin is serrated or serrated. The strongly developed central rib reaches about 3/4 the length of the leaf and emerges as a thorn at the base of the leaf. The lamina cells are rhombic to linear in shape. The rectangular, thick-walled, stippled leaf wing cells are clearly set off at the base of the leaf.


The moss colonizes nutrient-rich, moderately dry to moist, base-rich, lime-poor or -rich, sunny to shady locations. It grows on earth, rarely on rock or on tree bases. It is a common moss that occurs particularly on meadows and along roadsides. The moss is common in almost the entire northern hemisphere. It is only missing in North America.

Leaf shape, magnification: about 40x


Web links

Commons : Eurhynchium hians  - album with pictures, videos and audio files