Leopold Loeske

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Leopold Loeske (born October 24, 1865 in Hohensalza Province of Posen , † March 29, 1935 near Bad Harzburg ) was a German watchmaker and amateur bryologist . His botanical author abbreviation is " Loeske ".

As a trained watchmaker, he taught himself bryology by himself, collecting most of his samples in Germany, Austria and the French Alps. He died of a heart attack during an excursion near Bad Harzburg.

The moss genera Loeskeobryum ( M.Fleisch. Ex Broth. ) And Loeskypnum ( HKGPaul ) were named in his honor.

Publications (selection)

Loeske published 70 works, his work Monograph of the European Grimmiaceen attracted particular attention (1930). Other publications by Loeske included:

  • Moss flora of the Harz Mountains , 1903.
  • Peter Henlein . In: Deutsche Uhrmacher-Zeitung. Volume 29, 1905, pp. 194-205.
  • Studies on the comparative morphology and phylogenetic systematics of the mosses . M. Lande, Berlin 1910 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • The moss of Europe. I, Grimmiaceae, 1913
  • The moss of Europe. II, Funariaceae, 1914

Loeske was an editor at the journal Bryologische Zeitschrift .

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b History of bryology in Switzerland. In: Moss flora of Switzerland. Retrieved August 6, 2015 (from Index of Botanists. Frahm & Eggers, Harvard University 2001, pp. 290-293.).
  2. a b Henk C. Greven: Grimmiology. In: Grimmias of the World. Retrieved August 6, 2015 .
  3. Taxonomic literature. A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types . tape 3 : Lh-O . Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht Bohn 1981, ISBN 90-313-0444-1 , p. 144 ( online, Biodiversity Heritage Library ).
  4. JSTOR Global Plants (biography)
  5. WorldCat Identities (list of works)

Web links