Small-scale structure

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As Small scale division is defined as the division of a city or municipal area in small-scale units to the address (street and house number relate) as the smallest unit of statistical spatial reference system for the purpose of data collection and compilation of statistics or the creation of new divisions of areas such. B. the constituencies .


The elements of the small-scale structure are z. B. City districts , districts , statistical districts , (building) blocks and their block sides. The terms can be different in the individual cities, but refer to the same units. The definition of the German Association of Cities is as follows: “The small-scale structure as a localization and allocation system is an indispensable organizational tool of the local government for statistics, planning and administrative execution. It is based on the street and house number, i.e. H. on the address, as a location and a differentiated spatial structure of the municipality up to the building block and the block side. "

The smallest units of this indirect spatial reference are therefore block pages with the associated house number ranges. The block pages are used for the regional allocation and aggregation of the survey characteristics of official statistics : "Within a municipality, the block page is the page with the same street name from the area enclosed by road junctions or comparable boundaries." ( Section 10 (3 ) BStatG ) There is analogous or identical wording also in the statistical laws of the federal states and the statutes of municipal statistics .

In most cases, a block corresponds to the area between the streets, but blocks can also adjoin one another without a street between them. A block is therefore a coherent complex of properties and always consists of a closed polygon course, blocks cannot consist of spatially separated areas, nor can they overlap. A block side is one of the edges that delimit a block; it is formed by roads, topographies (e.g. bodies of water, railway lines, dirt roads) or administrative boundaries. All house numbers (referred to as property numbers in Berlin) in the city or municipality are each assigned to exactly one block side.

The information Official Community Code (AGS; formerly Official Community Code - GKZ), block page number, house number and, if applicable, house number addition (letter and / or divider) together can clearly identify a building in Germany.


8-digit AGS and 8-digit block page number of the block side on which the main entrance of the Leipzig New Town Hall is located:

14 7 13 000 0 0 1 022 02

14 7 13 000 Official municipality key (AGS) Saxony, district of Leipzig , Leipzig, independent city
0 Borough center
00 District center
001 statistical district
022 Block number within the statistical district
02 Block side Block boundary: Martin-Luther-Ring


From the basic components of the small-scale structure, the subdivisions of the city or municipality can be put together like a mosaic according to the most varied of aspects, for example planning areas, social regions (no-go areas), traffic cells , school districts or electoral districts.

With the help of a statistical spatial reference system, individual data from the administrative registers (e.g. the residents' register ) can be processed in a separate statistical office (and, in accordance with statistical confidentiality, only there ) for the various regional divisions. The spatial references of the individual data are combined into any larger spatial units through aggregation. By default, the hierarchical order of (building) blocks takes place as the smallest flat units to the higher-level districts and districts. The system remains open for the inclusion and evaluation of further data sources and territories.

The results can be evaluated in terms of data. In the simplest case, a table is compiled and the distributions of the various values ​​can be displayed as thematic maps .

For national and international comparisons of urban district types, the regional units are coordinated with the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning and the Statistical Office of the European Union ( Eurostat ). The municipal statistics thus close the information gap in official statistics, since the Federal Statistical Office or the regional statistical offices only publish data down to the municipal level.

Individual evidence

  1. German Association of Cities, Series H, Issue 39, p. 5 (see under literature)
  2. Service database Berlin: information on property numbering. (PDF; 70 kB)
  3. Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment Berlin: Ordinance on property numbering (Numbering Ordinance - NrVO) (PDF; 68 kB)
  4. cf. Street section directory of the city of Leipzig 2009 , title picture and P. 2 ( PDF version ; 983 kB)
  5. a b see list of districts and districts of Leipzig
  6. cf. the evaluations in the structural atlas of the city of Augsburg 2010 (see under literature)


  • Communal territorial division. Recommendations for the order of the street / house number system and the subdivision of the community area according to community parts, blocks and block sides as well as IT organization. Revised by the Association of German City Statisticians on the basis of the current recommendations of the German Association of Cities. German Association of Cities, Series H, DST contributions to the information society and urban research, Issue 39, Cologne 1991, ISBN 3-88082-141-0 .
  • Hartmut Bömermann: City area and structures. In: Journal for Official Statistics Berlin Brandenburg , Issue 1 + 2/2012 , pp. 76–87, ISSN  1864-5356 ( PDF version ; 11.33 MB).
  • Helmut Büscher; Andreas Gleich: The statistical spatial information system. In: Nuremberg perspectives on the 100th birthday of the statistical office. Office for Urban Research and Statistics, Nuremberg 2000 ( PDF version ; 1.71 MB).
  • Street section directory of the city of Leipzig 2013. (Leipzig Statistics and Urban Research), City of Leipzig, Office for Statistics and Elections, Leipzig 2013 ( PDF version ; 4.22 MB).
  • Structural Atlas of the City of Augsburg 2013. City of Augsburg, Office for Statistics and Urban Research, Augsburg 2013, ISSN  1867-1020 ( PDF version ; 20.08 MB).

See also

  • NUTS , classification of the territorial units of the European Union

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