Barona Monastery

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Cistercian Abbey of Barona
location ItalyItaly Italy
Region Lombardy
Province of Pavia
Coordinates: 45 ° 12 ′ 0 ″  N , 9 ° 17 ′ 0 ″  E Coordinates: 45 ° 12 ′ 0 ″  N , 9 ° 17 ′ 0 ″  E
Serial number
according to Janauschek
Patronage St. Mary
founding year 1192  ?
Year of dissolution /
1224  ?
Mother monastery La Ferté Monastery
Primary Abbey La Ferté Monastery

Daughter monasteries


The Barona Monastery (Santa Maria di Barona) is a former Cistercian abbey in Lombardy , Italy . It was believed to be three and a half kilometers from Albuzzano in the Barona district on the Olona river , around 12 km east of the provincial capital Pavia in the province of the same name . Janauschek, on the other hand, assumed a location between Casalpusterlengo and Codogno in what is now the province of Lodi .


The founding of the abbey must after a bull by Pope Celestine III. no later than 1192 (possibly 1189) (according to other information not until 1210). The monastery was probably the fourth direct daughter of the Primary Abbey of La Ferté Monastery , which owned goods in the Albuzzano area that had been donated to the monastery by a Nicholas from Pavia. The monastery was probably closed in 1224.

Plant and buildings

There are no remains of the monastery. The simple baroque church of Barona probably does not go back to the monastery.


  • Balduino Gustavo Bedini, Breve prospetto delle abazie cistercensi d'Italia , oO. (Casamari), 1964, p. 108, without ISBN.

Web links

Certosa di Firenze website about the monastery