Knud Hilding

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Knud Hjalmar Hilding Svendsen (born November 21, 1921 in Copenhagen , † September 14, 1975 there ) was a Danish actor .


Hilding completed an acting training at the school of the Frederiksberg Teater and made his debut there as Nicolai in Sparekassen while studying . From 1947 to 1951 he worked at the Aarhus Teater. He then worked at several Copenhagen theaters. From 1964 until his death in 1975 he appeared repeatedly as Pierrot in the Copenhagen Pantomimeteatret in Tivoli . Hilding achieved further fame through his work as a film actor . He played in numerous successful Danish films as well as television productions . He made his film debut in 1955 in the drama Ild og jord and in 1957 in Be nice to me . He mostly played minor and supporting roles, such as B. 1969 in money for second breakfast , 1970 in Rend mig i revolutionen and 1972 in the television series Livsens Ondskab . In the television series Oh, these tenants , he had appeared regularly as a postman since 1970 and was also seen in the accompanying film Ballade på Christianshavn in 1971 . Hilding also worked in various supporting roles in several films by the Olsen Gang .

In 1947 he married the actress Anne Grete Hilding . Hilding was buried in the Bispebjerg Kirkegård cemetery in Copenhagen.


  • 1955: Ild and Jordan
  • 1957: Be kind to me (Ingen tid til kærtegn)
  • 1958: Over all grænser
  • 1958: Krudt og klunker
  • 1962: Sømænd and svigermødre
  • 1962: Svinedrengen og prinsessen på ærten, Danish cartoon (speaking role)
  • 1962: Valg
  • 1964: Enhver
  • 1964: Alt for kvinden
  • 1965: En ven i bolignøden
  • 1966: Flagermuses
  • 1967: Mig og min lillebror
  • 1968: I den grønne skov
  • 1968: Det var en lørdag aften
  • 1968: Mig and min lillebror and storsmuglerne
  • 1968: Min søsters børn vælter byen
  • 1968: The Olsen Gang (Olsen Banden)
  • 1969: Money for the second breakfast (Tænk på et tal)
  • 1969: Klabautermannen
  • 1969: Mig and min lillebror and Bølle
  • 1970: Rend mig i revolutions
  • 1970–1975: Oh, these tenants (Huset på Christianshavn) , TV series
  • 1971: Ballade på Christianshavn , comedy
  • 1971: Erotic, TV film
  • 1971: Til lykke Hansen
  • 1971: Den forsvundne fuldmægtig
  • 1972: The Olsen gang and their big coup (Olsen-bandens store kup)
  • 1972: Manden på Svanegården
  • 1972: Rejsekammeraten
  • 1972: Livsens ondskab
  • 1973: The Olsen gang runs amok (Olsen-banden går Amok)
  • 1974: Natten i ventesalen
  • 1974: The (probably) last prank of the Olsen Gang (Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter)
  • 1975: The Olsen Gang sets the course (Olsen-banden på sporet)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ruth and Henrik Kendtes: Knud Hjalmar Hilding Svendsen. Dansk skuespiller. In: Kendtes Gravsted, April 1, 2016, accessed November 21, 2018 (Danish).