Growling dwarf gourami

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Growling dwarf gourami
Growling dwarf gourami (Trichopsis pumila)

Growling dwarf gourami (Trichopsis pumila)

Order : Climbing fish species (Anabantiformes)
Subordination : Labyrinth fish (Anabantoidei)
Family : Osphronemidae
Subfamily : Macropodusinae
Genre : Growling Guramis ( Trichopsis )
Type : Growling dwarf gourami
Scientific name
Trichopsis pumila
( Arnold , 1936)

The snarling dwarf gourami ( Trichopsis pumila ) belongs to the subordination of the labyrinth fish . The fish are found in Southeast Asia from Indonesia to Thailand and Laos to Vietnam . They inhabit small pools and ditches with warm water that are densely overgrown with herbaceous plants.


The growling dwarf gourami has a brown body covered with small bruises. The fins are blue, they have red edges and red markings. The eyes are light blue and have a red border.

The body shape has some similarity to veil fighting fish on, but the gourami has shorter fins . In the male animal, these are pointed, and a red line extends over the body to the base of the anal fin.

Growling dwarf gouramis grow to be about four centimeters long and can reach an age of about six years in the aquarium.


Both sexes make growling noises during the mating season and when excited, hence the German name of the animals. The males build a foam nest for spawning.


The water temperature for Growling Guramis should be between 25 ° C and 28 ° C. The aquarium needs a volume of at least 55 liters. The pH of the water should be slightly acidic to neutral. At least five animals should be kept together. The shy fish, which are considered peaceful, should not be socialized with more aggressive species.

Although it remains small, the species should not be kept with dwarf shrimp , because the fish chase them and, even if they cannot be eaten whole, wound them, so that the shrimp population would not coexist with the fish.


Web links

Commons : Growling Dwarf Gourami  - Collection of images, videos and audio files