Kolomak (river)

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Kolomak River.JPG
location Poltava , Kharkiv Oblast ( Ukraine )
River system Dnepr
Drain over Worskla  → Dnieper  → Black Sea
source in Poltava Oblast
49 ° 54 ′ 54 ″  N , 35 ° 25 ′ 18 ″  E
muzzle in Kharkiv Oblast Coordinates: 49 ° 33 '35 "  N , 34 ° 35' 49"  E 49 ° 33 '35 "  N , 34 ° 35' 49"  E

length 102 km
Catchment area 1650 km²
Left tributaries Schljachowa , Tschutiwka , Ladyschenka
Right tributaries Swynkivka
Big cities Poltava
Small towns Kolomak , Chutowe
Communities Wyssokopillja , Hwosdjowe , Wynomyniwka , Wojniwka , Kowaliwka , Tscherkassiwka , Saturyne , Makuchiwka
The Kolomak is part of the Dnepr catchment area

The Kolomak is part of the Dnepr catchment area

The Kolomak is a river in Ukraine. It is a left tributary of the Worskla . The river has a length of 102 km, its catchment area is 1650 km².

The valley is trapezoidal, less formed in the lower course. The width of the valley is 2.5–5 km, in some sections up to 8 km wide. The floodplains are on both sides with a width of 0.6-0.9 km, at the largest point the floodplain has a width of 2.5 km, with a medium current. The river is moderately meandering, its width, in the mountains, is 20–50 m and grows up to 100 m. Its depth up is on average 6 m. The slope of the river is 0.62 m / km. In dry years, the upper course dries up. Several artificial ponds have been created in the area.


The Kolomak rises on the eastern edge of the village Vysokopillja. It flows mainly to the southwest and joins the Vorskla near the southeastern part of the city of Poltava.

The Kolomak near the village of Lissok in Poltava Oblast

Individual evidence

  1. a b c В. Г. Клименко. Коломак // Енциклопедія сучасної України: у 30 т. / ред. кол. І. М. Дзюба [та ін.]; НАН України, НТШ, Координаційне бюро енциклопедії сучасної України НАН України. - К., 2003-2016. - ISBN 944-02-3354-X
  2. Географічна енциклопедія України: у 3 т. / редколегія: О. М. Маринич (відпов. Ред.) Та ін. - К. : «Українська радянська енциклопедія» ім. М. П. Бажана, 1989