Colombian Parakeet

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Colombian Parakeet
Aratinga wagleri -Jurong BirdPark-6.jpg

Colombian Parakeet ( Psittacara wagleri )

Order : Parrots (Psittaciformes)
Family : True parrots (Psittacidae)
Tribe : New World Parrots (Arini)
Genre : Macaws ( Aratinga )
Type : Colombian Parakeet
Scientific name
Psittacara wagleri
( Gray , 1845)

The Colombian Parakeet ( Psittacara wagleri ) is a species of parrot from the genus of the Macaw Parakeets ( Aratinga ).


The Colombian Parakeet grows up to 36 cm and weighs between 162 and 217 g. He is mainly green with a red forehead, chest and belly are yellowish. The under wing-coverts are green, the undersides of the wings and the underside of the tail olive to yellow. Some specimens have red spots on the neck, chest, the bend of the wings or around the shins. Around the eyes it is naked and white with a dull yellow or gray inner ring. The iris is reddish, the beak horn-colored and the legs brownish. Young birds have less red plumage on the forehead, the red on the wings and legs is missing.

Distribution, habitat and endangerment

It is native to Colombia , Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela . Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical forests and alluvial forests as well as scrubland and forests between 350 and 3000 m above sea level. NN. It prefers low slopes in the northern Andes and is also occasionally found in agricultural areas such as plantations or corn fields. Due to its large distribution area, the species is classified as not endangered (Least Concern, LC) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) despite the seemingly decreasing population .

Lifestyle and diet

They are mostly found in groups of 20 to 200 birds, sometimes in flocks of up to 400 birds. They are very noisy when they fly to their sleeping trees on hills in the evening. Their diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, berries and nuts, which they look for in the valleys, mainly on trees. They can also be viewed as pests as they occasionally cause damage to fields of cultivated plants. There are seasonal walks between different areas.


The breeding behavior is largely unknown. The breeding season in Venezuela is from April to June, in Colombia from December to June. They set up their breeding caves in crevices in rocky slopes and breed in colonies. It is known from breeders that usually between 2 and 4 eggs are laid and incubated for around 23 days. The nestling period is 50 days and after a further 2 to 3 weeks the young birds are completely independent.


There are four subspecies:

  • Psittacara wagleri wagleri - inhabits the west and north of Colombia and northwestern Venezuela.
  • Peruvian Parakeet, Psittacara wagleri frontata ( Cabanis , 1846) - inhabits western Peru and western Ecuador . Adults have a red forehead and are also red around the eyes, as are the thighs and the edges of the wings. In general, this subspecies is larger.
  • Venezuelan Parakeet , Psittacara wagleri transilis J. L. Peters , 1927 - inhabits northern Venezuela and eastern Colombia . Adult birds are smaller and generally have a darker green in the plumage, the crown of the head shows a darker red.
  • Carriker's parakeet, Psittacara wagleri minor Carriker , 1933 - inhabited central and southern Peru . Adult birds are smaller and generally darker in color, but without a bronze, yellowish tinge. The thighs are pale red.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Steven L. Hilty: Birds of Venezuela. Princeton University Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0691092508 , pp. 329-330.
  2. ^ Thomas S. Schulenberg: Birds of Peru. Princeton University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0691130231 , p. 168.
  3. a b Aratinga wagleri in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2011. Posted by: BirdLife International, 2009. Accessed November 13, 2011th
  4. ^ Steven L. Hilty, Bill Brown: A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press, 1986, ISBN 978-0691083728 , pp. 201-202.
  5. Parakeet Lexicon ( Memento of the original from October 12, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 8, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Colombian Parakeet ( Psittacara wagleri )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files