Complete media

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Complete-Media GmbH , founded in 1982, is an independent, German publisher based in Grünwald near Munich.

The publisher produces, publishes and sells film documentation on DVD and Blu-Ray, audio books and books. The main focus is on popular science, travel and knowledge. Herbert Lenz is the founder and managing partner of the publishing house. The publisher publishes its works under the imprint " der-wissens-verlag ".

Film program

The travel film series “Weltweit” has 156 titles on countries, cities and islands on DVD (60 minutes each) and the “Golden Globe” series includes 114 DVD titles on countries, cities and islands on DVD (90 minutes each ). 72 titles from the GOLDEN GLOBE series are also available on Blu-Ray (90 minutes each). The “Knowledge on Video” series includes 500 DVD titles on the subjects of old and new history, the universe, nature, animals, humans, philosophy , religion and documentaries.

  • The “Junior” series includes 58 DVD titles for children and young people.
  • The "Railways" series includes 12 DVD titles for railroad fans.
  • The “Art” series includes 34 DVD titles on art and painting courses.
  • The “uni auditorium” series includes 159 DVD titles from lectures by renowned university professors.

Audiobook program

The audiobook program contains 264 titles on CD. Topics include philosophy, ancient and modern history, science, astrophysics , documentaries, entertaining literature, and children's topics . 150 titles from the “uni auditorium” series are available as audio books: lectures by professors from the fields of astrophysics, physics, science, religion, neuroscience, philosophy, old and new history, literature, politics, law and media.

Book program

The book program includes almost 50 titles. All books are also available as e-books. This includes:

  • 10 hardcover titles on philosophy, astrophysics and science.
  • 23 paperbacks from the “Road University” series on topics from old and new history.
  • 14 paperbacks from the “uni auditorium” series on the subjects of astrophysics, old and new history and philosophy.


Well-known authors whose works have been published by Complete Media include: a .:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. RiffReporter: How bans should help the environment . In: RiffReporter . ( [accessed on July 24, 2018]).