Konrad II von Sternberg

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Konrad von Sternberg (* around 1225; † January 15, 1277 in Magdeburg ) was Konrad II Archbishop of Magdeburg from 1266 to 1277 .


Konrad was the son of Count Volkwin IV (around 1190 – before 1255) and Ermengard (Ermengardis) von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg (–1274). He comes from the Schwalenberg family . Previously a canon at the St. Simon and Juda Church in Goslar, he gained the canon chair in Magdeburg through his Westphalian connections in 1245 . In 1258 he is listed as a cathedral waiter and in this function seems to have participated in the administration of the Archdiocese of Magdeburg. In 1263 he worked in the mediation of the archbishopric with the city of Halle and in 1264 was involved as a mediator for the division of the states on the other side of the Oder between the margraves of Brandenburg. On December 26, 1266 he becomes Archbishop of Magdeburg, but his opposition delayed his papal confirmation. Konrad, who was keen to equalize, then took a position against Brandenburg and, in addition to the Wettin margraves, the Mecklenburgers, relied on the dukes of Saxony-Wittenberg .

For this purpose he gave the burgrave office of Magdeburg on September 15, 1269 to Albrecht II of Saxony . With this support he acquired Staßfurt, Aken and other properties from the duchy for his diocese. In addition, he participated in the expansion of the territory in the Polish diocese of Gniezno and in the diocese of Lebus, which were acquired together with the Brandenburgers in 1249. In 1253 these lands were divided, with the diocese of Magdeburg receiving the part south of the Warta and advancing the land development in the acquired areas. He founded Sternberg, had his residence partially rebuilt from 1270 onwards, but played a subordinate role in imperial politics, nevertheless he attended the second Lyon Council in 1274, which recognized Rudolf von Habsburg as German king.

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predecessor Office successor
Ruprecht of Querfurt Archbishop of Magdeburg
Günther I. von Schwalenberg