Konrad Kübler

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Konrad Kübler (* 15. May 1884 in Landau adIsar ; † the thirtieth October 1974 ibid) was a skilled printer and editor, 1918-19 MdL -Bayern, member of the Central Council of the Munich Soviet Republic , in 1945 co-founded the CSU and vice president of the first Bavarian Parliament by the Second World War .

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As a trained book printer, Konrad Kübler first worked in various book printing companies in Germany and Austria. He later founded a printing company and a newspaper publisher, in which he published the Niederbayerischer Anzeiger and the Landauer Volksblatt, among others . The latter newspaper was the official organ of the Bavarian Farmers' Union , of which he was a member.

In 1918/19 Konrad Kübler was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament and in the council government, farmers' council and "People's Representative for Justice". After the Soviet Republic was crushed, he was arrested for two months, but acquitted before the subsequent court martial .

In Landau, Kübler was then elected to the city council and was also a member of the district assembly, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other economic, municipal and political organizations. He belonged to the Iron Front and was a member of the Reich leadership in the " Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold ". In his own words he was "in the fiercest fight with the reaction and after the establishment of the NSDAP in the fight against the National Socialist movement" . His newspapers in particular spoke out against National Socialism , and his imprisonment followed on March 10, 1933. He was held in Dachau concentration camp until 1934 . After the Hitler assassination attempt on July 20, 1944 , Kübler was arrested again, first taken to the Gestapo prison in Regensburg and then to the Flossenbürg concentration camp . After his release he lost all his honorary posts and was expelled from the professional organization of journalists and publishers. His newspapers were taken over by the NS-Gauverlag and he himself was under police supervision for a long time.

Konrad Kübler was one of the founders of the CSU in 1945, was elected to the state executive on December 6, 1946 and was a member of the state constitutional assembly. From 1946 to 1950 he was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament and its 2nd Vice President. At the same time he was from 1945 to 1950 district administrator of the Landau an der Isar district . As a delegate of the Bavarian State Parliament, Kübler took part in the first Federal Assembly in 1949 , which elected Theodor Heuss as Federal President .

See also

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