Konrad Keilhack

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Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig Konrad Keilhack (born August 16, 1858 in Oschersleben , † March 10, 1944 in Berlin ) was a German geologist and university professor.


Born as the second of sixteen children of the district architect August Keilhack and Sophie Dorothea Bethe, Keilhack attended the Rutheneum in Gera . Even in middle school he was noticed by the teacher Karl Theodor Liebe , who used him for mapping work. He studied geology in Jena , Freiberg , Göttingen and Berlin . In 1881 he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD . In the same year he became an assistant geologist at the Kgl. Prussian State Geological Institute in Berlin . Since 1890 regional geologist, in 1914 he became department head (mapping flat land) in the Prussian Geological State Institute, which he remained until 1923. From 1896 he was full professor at the Bergakademie Berlin (later TH Berlin ). Still famous today for his colored mappings (for example in Brandenburg, Saxony, Pomerania), Keilhack also dealt with lignite mining . He is considered a pioneer in the hydrogeology of the North German lowlands . He also dealt with the geology of the Ice Age. With Jakob Stoller he coined the term Saale Ice Age for the penultimate ice age ( Saale complex ) in 1910 . Keilhack also dealt with the utilization of moors as therapeutic baths. In 1892 he was elected to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

Keilhack founded the geology calendar . He founded the Geologische Zentralblatt , which he published from 1901 to 1937. From 1917 to 1919 he was President of the German Geological Society.

Keilhack had become a member of the Corps Saxonia Jena as a student , but had to leave for family reasons. In 1929 he became a corps bow bearer .

He died at the age of 86 in one of the Allied air raids on Berlin . He is buried in the Frohnau cemetery in Berlin.


1st marriage: Married April 15, 1883 in Berlin to Klara Baur (born October 14, 1863 in Belzig, † February 28, 1889 in Berlin), daughter of the deacon Ernst Ferdinand Albert Baur. This marriage resulted in 1 son, 2 daughters (Ludwig * December 29, 1884; † October 1, 1914 (April 6, 1915?); Died in Tiko, Cameroon, Ilse * January 6, 1886; † 1914, Clara * 23 February 1889; † 1970)

2nd marriage: Married October 16, 1890 in Kolberg to Martha (* September 18, 1865 - December 31, 1957), daughter of Rittmeister Karl Gottlob Albert Wahrendorff and Ernestina Maria Furbach, 1 son (Hans * February 2, 1892; † 1946)

3. He was the grandfather of the geologist Hans-Wilhelm Quitzow


Works (selection)

  • with Leopold van Werveke a . a .: Handbook for German lignite mining , Halle an der Saale, 1907, 2nd edition 1912
  • Textbook of groundwater and spring science: for geologists, hydrologists, drilling contractors, well builders, miners, civil engineers and hygienists , Borntraeger, 1912, 3rd edition 1935
  • Textbook of practical geology - working and investigation methods in the field of geology, mineralogy and palaeontology , Stuttgart, Enke, first 1896, 4th edition in 2 volumes, 1921/22
  • Introduction to the understanding of the geological-agronomic special maps of the North German Plain: an explanation of their bases and their content , Berlin, Königlich Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt, 2nd edition 1901


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Garnet as an accessory component of many rocks .
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 146/766.
  3. ^ Klaus Steuerwald: Hans Wilhelm Quitzow 1911 - 2009 . In: GMIT 41, 2010, pp. 87-89