Konrad Rittershausen

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Konrad Rittershausen

Konrad Rittershausen (born September 25, 1560 in Braunschweig , † May 25, 1613 in Altdorf near Nuremberg ) was a German lawyer and university professor.

Live and act

Konrad Rittershausen, the son of Balthasar Rittershausen (* 1537 in Celle; † August 9, 1602 in Braunschweig), the senior of the Braunschweig Collegiate Chapter, attended a humanistic grammar school in Braunschweig. From 1580 he studied law and philology in Helmstedt and then from 1584 in Altdorf . His academic teachers included Johannes Borcholt , Johann von Jagemann , Johannes Busereuth and Hubertus Giphanius . In Basel he received his doctorate in law in 1591. In the same year he was offered a chair in Roman private law at the University of Altdorf, the university seat of the city of Nuremberg. Despite several appointments to other universities, including the University of Helmstedt , he stayed in Altdorf until his death in 1613.

Rittershausen is counted among the most important Altdorf law professors. His scientific writings are wide-ranging; In addition to private law, he dealt with constitutional law and church law . In addition, he devoted himself to linguistic and theological issues.

Works (selection)

  • Consilia sive responsa altorfina de jure , 1603
  • Vita et Mors Juvenis ornatissimi Heliae Putschii Antwerpiani , 1608
  • Liber commentarius in Epistolas Plinii , 1609
  • Liber commentarius in Salvianum Massiliensem , 1611
  • Jus Justinianum, hoc est, Justiniani et aliorum quorundam impp. augg, novellarum mixtarum expositio methodica , 1615 (posthumous)
  • Dodeca deltos, sive in duodecim tabularum leges commentarius novus , Argentorati 1616
  • Commentarius Novus, Pulcherrimus Et Utilissimus In Celeberrimam Legem XXIII. Contract. Digest. De Diversis Regulis Iuris antiqui , Argentorati 1616


Individual evidence

  1. John Busereut, Konrad Rittershausen: Theses de societate . Gerlach, Nuremberg 1586 ( digitized version from the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  2. See Heinrich Kunstmann: The Nuremberg University Altdorf and Bohemia . Böhlau Verlag 1963, p. 26; Wolfgang Lent: Rittershausen, Konrad . In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck, Dieter Lent u. a. (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon: 8th to 18th century . Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2006, p. 591.