Konrad von Hirscheck

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Konrad von Hirscheck , also Konrad von Hirschegg († October 24, 1167 in Augsburg ) was a German bishop in Augsburg from 1152 to 1167. This was descended from the First family, who lived in Hirschegg Castle near Eichstegen .

Before being elected bishop, Konrad von Hirscheck was a deacon at Constance Cathedral and later founded the Heilig Kreuz monastery in Augsburg around 1160 . Since the bishop also held the office of town lord, Friedrich Barbarossa handed him the town charter in 1156 . This is the second oldest written German city ​​law . During the secularization, the document came into the possession of the Bavarian state and is now stored in the Augsburg State Archives (holdings: Hochstift Augsburg documents).

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Individual evidence

  1. Georg Kreuzer, Thomas M. Krüger: Regesten Bishop Konrad von Hirschegg (1152-1184). In: The Regests of the Bishops and the Cathedral Chapter of Augsburg, Vol. 2. Thomas M. Krüger, 2016, archived from the original on March 26, 2016 ; accessed on March 25, 2016 (German).
predecessor Office successor
Walter I of Dillingen Bishop of Augsburg
Hartwig I of Lierheim