District fire inspector

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Helmet identification of a KBI in Hessen

A district fire inspector ( KBI ) is a volunteer or full-time fire service member who has different tasks in the individual German states. What they have in common, however, is that he can lead larger fire brigade operations at the district level and work on fire-fighting tasks at the district administrations.


In Bavaria, a district fire inspector is a special manager who is responsible for an inspection area within a district . He is the Kreisbrandrat assumed and the county fire masters purposed of its range. The KBI function is carried out on a voluntary basis, but the district can provide a corresponding expense allowance . District fire inspectors are part of the district fire inspection . In large urban and urban districts, the corresponding function is called urban fire inspector ( SBI for short ). In urban districts the deputy commander and in large district towns the commander is also the SBI.


In Hesse , the district fire inspector (according to § 13 HBKG ) is usually a full-time fire service officer of the higher or higher fire service. He is employed by the district administration and has the highest technical fire service position in a district . A district fire inspector may not also be a community fire inspector and is appointed by the district committee after hearing the representatives of the volunteer fire brigades.

According to the HBKG, the tasks of a district fire inspector include:

  • the exercise of the supervisory function in fire protection matters vis-à-vis towns and municipalities belonging to the district,
  • the performance of the fire protection supervisory service within the district,
  • usually the management of the fire protection and disaster control service of the district,
  • the planning of facilities and systems for local fire protection and technical assistance in the district to support the local fire brigades,
  • the planning and promotion of fire protection education within the district,
  • the establishment of alarm plans and operational plans for the granting of neighborly assistance within and beyond the borders of the district area and coordination with the neighboring districts or urban districts,
  • the planning and implementation of joint exercises , training and advanced training events for the fire brigades in the district or in agreement with neighboring districts or urban districts and
  • the implementation of risk prevention shows.

In addition, he is usually responsible for the tasks of the lower disaster control authority according to §§ 24ff. of the HBKG. The district fire supervisor is subordinate to him as a representative (according to § 13 Paragraph 1 Clause 3 HBKG).


In Thuringia , too, there is the function of a district fire inspector as the highest level of leadership in the district fire brigade. The basis for the office is § 16 ThürBKG. According to paragraph 1, the district fire inspector is responsible for carrying out the tasks incumbent on the district by law and is appointed by the district after hearing the representatives of the volunteer fire brigades. He is an honorary officer. He is represented by a district fire chief. The office of the district fire inspector is designed as a main office; District fire inspectors may not also be local fire chiefs .

See also

supporting documents

  1. Bavarian Fire Brigade Act - III. section
  2. BayAVFwG
  3. Implementation of the Bavarian Fire Brigade Act (VollzBekBayFwG). Announcement by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior dated May 28, 2013. Ref .: ID1-2211.50-162
  4. a b § 13 HBKG - Hessian law on fire protection, disaster control and general assistance
  5. a b c d e f Thuringian Law on Fire Protection, General Aid and Disaster Protection (Thuringian Fire and Disaster Protection Act - ThürBKG). Free State of Thuringia, June 29, 2018, accessed on June 27, 2020 .