District fire chief
The district fire chief ( KBM ) is an honorary or full-time firefighter who has different tasks in the individual German federal states . What they have in common, however, is that he can lead larger fire brigade operations at the district level and work on fire-fighting tasks at the district administration.
Since the amendment of the Baden-Württemberg Fire Brigade Act in March 2010, the district fire chief has been a senior fire service officer. His deputy (s) are appointed honorary officials by the district administrator for five years . Before the appointment, all fire brigade commanders and plant fire brigade commanders in the district must be heard. The order is also the regional council show.
The district fire supervisor takes care of all tasks that arise at the district office in connection with the fire brigade and supervises all the district fire brigades . The district fire chief can take over the management of operations at any time during operations and exercises . The district fire chief is superior to the district fire chief .
In Bavaria , the district fire chief (in independent and large district towns, city fire chief , SBM for short ) is responsible for a certain area of an inspection area within a district or for a certain subject area (e.g. NBC protection ). Within the district fire inspection, he reports to the respective district fire inspector and is the lowest special manager. District fire supervisors can also be the head of a fire department . The district fire council heads the so-called district fire inspection at the district office. All functions are carried out on a voluntary basis, but the district can provide a corresponding expense allowance . In Bavaria there are no higher-level departments on the fire-fighting side above the district level. There is only a political-administrative connection to the respective government .
In Hesse , the district committee of a district to support the district fire inspector can, on his suggestion, appoint district fire supervisors in accordance with local conditions, who work on a voluntary basis in the district fire inspection and should be appointed to an honorary position (in accordance with Section 13 II HBKG). The district fire inspector is the superior of the district fire chief. The district fire supervisor must have the necessary specialist knowledge. A district fire chief is to be appointed to represent the district fire inspector.
Lower Saxony
The district fire supervisor heads the district fire brigade and is appointed honorary officer for a period of six years. The district council decides on the appointment after hearing the government fire chief on the proposal of the majority of the community fire chiefs of the respective command area. In addition, he can, under certain circumstances, take over operations management during operations in his area in accordance with Section 23 (3) NBrandSchG. According to Section 21, Paragraph 8, in independent cities without a professional fire brigade, the community fire chief takes on the duties of the district fire chief; in independent cities with a professional fire brigade, the head of the professional fire brigade. According to Section 21 (10) NBrandSchG, the district fire chief in the Hanover region is known as the regional fire chief .
The section heads , if such fire protection sections have been set up, are subordinate to the district fire chief. Paragraph 2 stipulates that the district fire brigade readiness of these sections is each headed by a section leader and that these perform the tasks of the district fire chief in their area. There are incompatibility rules regarding the offices of district fire supervisor, section leader, community fire supervisor and local fire supervisor.
North Rhine-Westphalia
The district fire chief and his deputy are volunteers in North Rhine-Westphalia . They are appointed honorary officials for six years by the district council at the suggestion of the district administrator . Before their appointment, the heads of the fire brigades of the district cities and the district fire chiefs are to be heard. The district fire chief supports the district administrator in supervising the public fire brigades and in carrying out the tasks assigned to the district. In the case of voluntary and compulsory fire brigades, the district fire chief can take over the management of the operation. The relevant legal basis is § 12 BHKG.
The district fire chief is the highest management function of the fire brigades at the district level in Saxony-Anhalt . With that he heads the fire brigades in his district. The section heads are subordinate to the district fire supervisor if fire protection sections have been set up. A section head is then also the deputy of the district fire chief. The district fire chief and the district chiefs are appointed honorary officials by the district for a period of six years at the suggestion of the district military chief.
The duties of the district fire chief include: B.
- Hearing before the appointment of the military leaders and their deputies,
- Hearing before the recall of the military officers and their deputies,
- Participation in the performance of the tasks of the district,
- Management of operations.
The district fire chief can take over the management of operations in his own sphere of activity, but he does not have to. He can also leave the operations management with the existing operations management. If the district fire chief does not take over the operation, he is at the side of the operations manager as an advisor. He has to take over the task if the chief of operations is not allowed to lead the forces due to his training: For example, if the previous chief of operations is a group leader but is leading forces in the strength of a platoon , as no trained platoon leader is on site yet.
The district fire master leads the rank of chief fire inspector (see picture).
The district fire chiefs in Thuringia usually work on a voluntary basis. The respective district appoints the district fire supervisor at the suggestion of the district fire inspector , according to local conditions. The district fire chiefs are honorary officials. A district fire supervisor has the right to represent the district fire inspector. The legal basis is § 16 ThürBKG.
See also
supporting documents
- ↑ State Fire Brigade School Baden-Württemberg: Information on the training and activities of civil servants in the higher-level fire service, as of December 2013
- ↑ § 23 Fire Service Officials. Baden-Württemberg state law, March 2, 2010, accessed on December 20, 2015 .
- ↑ Duties of the fire-fighting officials. Baden-Württemberg state law, March 2, 2010, accessed on December 20, 2015 .
- ↑ Implementation of the Bavarian Fire Brigade Act (VollzBekBayFwG). Announcement by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior dated May 28, 2013. Ref .: ID1-2211.50-162
- ↑ Bavarian State Fire Brigade Act - III. section
- ↑ Fire brigade law (on regierung.oberbayern.bayern.de)
- ↑ a b c d Hessian law on fire protection, general assistance and disaster control (HBKG)
- ↑ a b c d e f g h http://www.feuerwehrschulen.niedersachsen.de/download/48312 Lower Saxony law on fire protection and the assistance of the fire brigade (Lower Saxony Fire Protection Act - NBrandSchG)
- ↑ a b c d e f North Rhine-Westphalia: Law on fire protection, assistance and disaster control (BHKG)
- ↑ Fire Protection and Assistance Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt ( Memento from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ a b c d ThürBKG ( Memento from March 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive )