Criminal headquarters

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Location of the main crime centers in NRW. Red: §4 authorities , blue: other main crime centers

Detective agencies are county police departments of police Nordrhein-Westfalen edit the harder for surrounding districts as the central management and processing authority offenses crime. The jurisdiction of the main crime centers results from the crime center regulation (KhSt-VO NRW).


Criminal headquarters are supposed to deal with offenses of serious crime , which the other district police authorities are not able to do in terms of personnel, technology or logistics. In order to cope with these central tasks, the main crime centers are equipped with more staff. They regularly maintain special organizational structures such as special criminal investigation departments to ensure that the offenses are dealt with. However, the authorities that hand over the processing of such crimes to the Main Criminal Police Office usually have to temporarily transfer specialist staff to the competent Main Criminal Office to handle the cases.

In the case of particularly complex cases that cannot be dealt with in the context of day-to-day organization, special organizational structures (BAO) are set up in the criminal headquarters . In this way, for example, investigation, special or murder commissions can be formed for individual cases, which are proportionately staffed by the criminal headquarters and the crime scene authority. A BAO peculiarity arises with the so-called § 4 authorities.

In North Rhine-Westphalia there are 16 main crime stations (from a total of 47 district police authorities).

general tasks

The basic responsibilities for main crime departments result from § 2 KhSt-VO. According to this, Kriminalhauptstellen are in principle only responsible for prosecuting certain offenses. These are:

In addition, main crime centers take on (supporting) tasks of crime prevention to prevent criminal offenses.

Section 4 authorities

The so-called § 4 authorities got their name from the jurisdiction regulation of § 4 KhSt-VO. They are qualified to deal with particularly serious crimes that go beyond the scope of the normal criminal headquarters. In North Rhine-Westphalia, six main crime centers were appointed to § 4 authorities. These are: Bielefeld , Dortmund , Düsseldorf , Essen , Cologne and Münster .


§ 4 authorities are basically always normal criminal headquarters. In addition, they perform security and criminal prosecution tasks in the following cases:

As a special task outside of this catalog, the § 4 authorities are also responsible for the organization and implementation of personal and witness protection.

The peculiarity of § 4 authorities is that they not only act as a criminal prosecutor, i.e. investigate, but also act to avert danger. In the above situations, crime scene authorities are obliged to immediately inform the Section 4 authority responsible for them. As soon as the facts become known, the § 4 authority takes over the management of operations. For such situations, specially trained police officers of the higher service are always available in § 4 authorities in order to lead the operation and the risk-averting situation management. He is subordinate to forces of the crime scene authorities as well as the criminal headquarters and their special units. By police regulations , the police are also obliged to form a BAO in the above cases.


In addition to the normal equipment, all § 4 authorities are equipped with forensic investigation centers (KTU) . They also have special units ( special task forces , mobile task forces , technical task forces and negotiation groups).

Individual evidence

  1. § 7 KhSt-VO
  2. § 2 Abs. 1 KhSt-VO
  3. § 2 para. 4 KhSt-VO
  4. § 4 Paragraph 1, 1st alternative KhSt-VO
  5. § 4 Paragraph 1, 2nd Alternative KhSt-VO
  6. § 4 Paragraph 2 KhSt-VO

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